Thursday, September 19, 2024

Everything For Now.

I got more sunflowers, possibly the last of the season( but who knows?) and I told my hubby as he went out yesterday I know they're there so no more of his shit saying they don't have them or not bothering looking and here they are! You always have to speak up,advocate for yourself ,stand up for yourself, speak your mind,and not put up with any shit from anybody. He also didn't get my food until after he did his other stuff first, until later, even though I was starving and it would be cold, as opposed to getting it first and dropping it off so I could it eat hot, to which he scoffed, That's your problem! He really IS such an inconsiderate asshole. He also went to get his sore foot checked( he hurt playing pickleball as he's no longer in his 20's anymore even though he still thinks he is and refuses to admit he's old now; he turns 61 next month) and it's a torn tendon so I doubt he'll be playing pickleball on Saturday morning afterall so hopefully I can still go visit my mother,afterall! Even though the "Dumb Guy" at my hubby's work is gone now there's now another guy my hubby also designated at the new "Dumb Guy" he hates  and complains about now and always insults and talks down to and has nothing to do with making me think it's more about him and that he just always needs someone to belittle.

One of my cousins in Europe her son also graduated university with a degree in accounting and he now works at an accounting firm, and I found out when adjusted to today's rate my 20$ weekly allowance as a kid would now be equal to 63$  and Buddy is so blind now too he always walks into, trips over and knocks over his water dish and water spills all over and I'm constantly having to clean it up and re-fill his dish( the things I do for love) and a radio ad for public health said we should all be able to choose if and when we have kids and they're giving out cheap and free birth control(encouraging whoring around) but here's an idea: how about if you don't want a baby just keep your legs shut? There's a thought!

I also did finally order the jacket this morning afterall, taking a chance because I want it so much and have for so long and I know I'd regret it if I didn't, and I even took measurements to ensure I get the proper size( and did you know the circumfrance of my chest is twice the size of my arm length?) and they are custom-made too and I found out with the conversion it'll "only" end up being 190$ and NOT 350$ or so like I thought so that's much better, plus I get free shipping too and don't have to pay the 15 % tax I'd have to pay here so I took a chance I just hope it's good in actual real life(and it fits) like in the photo but at least they do have a return/refund and if I happen to die before it arrives then nothing will matter anyway. One of my fave. Facebook friends(in his early 70's) also got his long grey hair in a ponytail cut and I always liked the long Hippie-style hair but I also do have to admit he looks much younger now,too; it's taken a couple of decades off, and last night and today I also notice my face and "whites" of my eyes are yellow; jaundice, and maybe that's also why my eyes itch,too? My liver must be acting-up again...

Yesterday cleaning out the wasp trap(I have to do once a week) there was a live wasp still flying around in there so I tried to drown it first before I opened the lid and emptied it so I filled it all the way up with water in an attempt....except it only flushed the wasp out thru a hole and it got loose and flew around the house but eventually landed on a window and I was able to squish it, and I remember too decades ago a priest saying how worry & anxiety isn't from God and it means your faith is weak and means you don't trust in God enough and it concerned me so I discussed it with him but he then reassured me in my case it's different since depression is a medical issue and NOT due to lack of faith. Whew!
God knows your heart.

Grow your dreadlocks Don't be afraid of the wolf-pack! Ah tell you, one man a-walkin' And a billion man a-sparkin'-Bob Marley


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