Sunday, September 22, 2024

Just This.

Last night and the night before at dusk I saw a bat flying overhead! It's also officially fall now(f*ck!) and it's looking like it now too with more leaves changing colour and falling although it's still nice and warm though and supposed to be around 23 C all week(but 4 days or so of rain,too, ugh) and it's good that I didn't visit my mother yesterday afterall as well as my hubby DID get called-in to work twice at the same time I would have been visiting and every time I watch a wasp hovering around the hanging trap and just hesitate at the entrrance I get all impatient too and just have the urge to flick it into the hole! HA! I also got this new all-over body spray deoderant for my stinky pussy that was supposed to be safe except now it's all itchy and stings so I think I might be allergic to it. Doesn't it just figure though? There was also a Mexican family on the news refused asylum even though they fled after being threatened by the drug cartels and I think that's a legitimate reason, just like my ex friend J; her family came here for a similar reason; her father dealed in blackmarket goods and a mobster threatened their family, and my friend J from the old church,too; the IRA put a bomb under his car and fire-bombed his house so he moved here! I hate this shithole.

My knee pain was also sooo bad last night it even woke me up  and so did my cough,and my hubby also gave away more shopping bags to more people the other day as well so now I dubbed him the Bag Fairy and I remember as well my mother telling me how her father would often smack her around "for always being so stupid and clumsy" as a kid and that's typical of autism too even though at that time no one knew that's what it was, and yesterday the guys had Dungeons & Dragons too and the host always makes my hubby a special separate meal from the others since he's such a picky eater(whereas I just cook the one meal and he either eats it or gets his own or starves) and it makes more sense now I think that's his mistress, and the 29 YR old saw my wireless speaker I use outside to listen to the radio streaming off my computer and he goes, Oh! That's my old Dungeons & Dragons speaker! and it made me feel sad because my hubby had acted at the time like he'd bought it new for me but all I ever get(and am worth) is everyone else's left-overs.

I still see the little everyday miracles, but only when I’m alone and in my own world. I stay inside or if I go outside, I walk alone.-Jade Sparrow


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Pondering For Today.