Sunday, September 29, 2024

Ozempic Face

I visited my mother yesterday and the first thing she said was I really missed you! It's been 2 weeks! I was surprised, and it's sad to think as well that when I die she won't have anyone to visit her anymore because I'm the only one that visits her.I hope she'll be ok. I also brought her pretty pink carnations which she loved and kept raving about and she said I won't be having a funeral so I want to be able to enjoy flowers while I'm still alive  and it made me think of the same thing,too, and I'm also going to be cremated and that way no one can spit on or dance on my grave,either, or desecrate it in any way.. There was also this really hot PSW this time and he was such a hunk that I couldn't help but notice(and as they say, He made me moister than an oyster) and even though he was so young and I'm old I'm still not dead yet and later she said to me, Isn't he cute? and I replied, My God, YES!! and to emphasize I "bit" down on my fist, ha,ha.

 She also said the lady in the room next-door is 104( she must be the oldest resident there) and someone across the hall died and that someone dies there usually about once a month.  She also expected us to just go out right away and get another lotion she likes as she ran out too even though she said she ran out 2 weeks ago and she should have told us then(we just got groceries Friday!) and then I could have brought it to her yesterday so now she just has to wait until the next visit.You can also see from the photo here since my weight loss I have more saggy-baggy skin on my neck hanging loose now,too, but hey, at least I'm not so fat!

My friend F( from grade 6) his daughter and her new hubby are also on their Honeymoon in Hawaii and Buddy and I enjoyed pumpkin spice Cheerios (he loves pumpkin,too!)just as a snack(but now we both keep shitting!) and I had enough I even gave some to the squirrels,too, discovered a funny new insult: chuckle-f*ck, and my hubby has a headache that really bothers him as well and he( like my mother) rarely gets them( unlike me, who is prone to them) and I told him if he thinks mere headaches are bad he should try a migraine; it's like the difference between being shot at with a pellet gun or having your head blasted apart with an AK-47 and he blames the Boomers for everything being so unafforable for the Milennials as well and for them not being able to afford homes, saying that the Boomers  are now "hogging up" all the financial resources with their old-age pensions, taking up the medical care, LTC homes,etc. and I reminded him that they also worked their entire lives  and contributed to it and paid taxes and are now entitled to get something back out of it and it's just more of the same young people whining and blaming their parents and the older generations for all their problems.

I move on and start over, the same thing I've always done, over and over again.


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