Monday, September 23, 2024

Shades Of Autumn.

Now all of a sudden it really looks and feels like fall; it's almost as if someone  suddenly turned a switch on and this morning's it's pouring rain soooo much Buddy refused to even GO outside to pee even after holding it all night( except for the gross runny diarrhrea he did on my bedroom floor at 1 am...yuck!!) and he just turned right around and came back in(he doesn't "do" rain) so today's a pee and shit inside the house day where I have to clean it off the floor. My abdomenal pain and cough is also really bad today and I'm really sweaty as well even though the temp high is only 21 C and my knee actually feels a bit better now after really hurting so much the other night it woke me up making me wonder if it was perhaps "out of joint" or something and it somehow snapped back into place and now it's not as bad?

I also saw the brown rabbit in the backyard again yesterday and a Monarch butterfly came flying so close to me as well I thought it was going to land on me and I heard what I thought was a neighbour behind us mowing his grass as I heard a lawn mower really close  and then a really loud grinding and crunching sound like he'd accidently ran over something like a plastic bag or a newspaper and I thought to myself, Uh-oh! That doesn't sound good! I hope the poor guy didn't break his lawn mower!....and it turned out it wasn't a neighbour afterall but the 17 YR old cutting our grass! HA! I also said something racist the other day,too, not even realizing it; I referred to an Indian guy as Pajeet, thinking it was just a term for an Indian from India, distinguishing them from a Native Indian or someone from the West Indies, sort of like calling Latinos Hispanics and the 29 YR old laughed and said, Did you just say Pajeet?  and explained it's actually a racist derogatory term like Paki, or sort of like calling Chinese people "chinks". Ooops! I didn't know! I just can't keep up with all these modern-day words.

There was also this 14 YR old in USA that killed her mother and also shot her step-father( but he survived) and she got a 40 YEAR prison sentence which is more like it, not like here in this shithole where that 13 YR old girl only got 15 months probation  for stabbing that homeless guy to death. Even though USA does have ridiculously lax gun laws at least when  people do commit mass or school shootings (or like in this case) they actually DO  get an appropriate prison sentence, unlike here where the so-called "justice" system is a joke!Just like in Ireland; if you're convicted of drunk driving you get a 15 YR jail sentence, unlike here where you just lose your licence for a week.

Your life doesn't have to end because mine did.-Agatha Aduro


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