Sunday, September 8, 2024


Look what I found yesterday! Sunflowers! (I also got pink carnations for my mother)They had lots of them,too, making me wonder all those times I had them on the shopping list and my hubby said they didn't have any if they really actually did all the time but he just never bothered to look or he knew they were there all along but just never bothered to pick them up and just told me they never had any? Hmmmmm.... Good news though,too; he changed his mind which must be God softening his heart, making him feel kindness and reason because yesterday he informed me he got an e-mail that badminton starts today( and not next week like originally thought) so we can visit my mother yesterday....on Saturday like I'd been hoping and pleading for and he originally refused but now has agreed to, much to my relief(as it was causing me alot of anxiety and stress) and she was surprised to see me (and even questioned if she got the day wrong and it was actually Sunday)and was in the diningroom having dinner and it was like playing Where's Waldo? trying to find her,too, among a sea of hunched over white-haired old folks with glasses! HA!

Sad as well: she said 3 days ago her friend Auld had a heart-attack and is in bad shape and not expected to make it and will be transferred to Palliative Care( he's still in the hospital from his fall and broken hip) so she'll never see him again and it must be really hard too to see all your friends dying  all around you ,dropping like flies,and it also seems that when old people fall and break their hip it's a downward spiral from there and everything just fails and they die not too long afterwards. Poor guy. His wife just died last year too so at least she'll be waiting for him and they'll be together again soon.On the way back we also stopped at the DQ drive-thru and I got my beloved Pumpkin Pie Blizzard! Yum! I also saw another rainbow again,too!

This(above) is also the 21 YR old and below is my Dutch friend. Don't they look alot alike?
Now I know what Black and Chinese people mean when they say White people all look alike!

My friend in the Netherlands. Such a pretty girl.

This is also my ex-friend Patti, in case anyone wondered what the old bitch looks like.
HA! She even looks like a bitch!
Sometimes you really can tell just by looking!

...and, of course, my best friend and the best dog in the whole world and my heart and soul. It was so cold this morning as well 9 C(I had to close my bedroom window!) the furnace came on for the first time this season( no joke!) and yesterday the high was only 16 C and even after it stopped raining it was still sooo cold out,blustery, cloudy, and windy I didn't sit outside because even with a blanket it was freezing but later this week going back up to 26 C and 27 C which I love so summer isn't done yet, thank God because I'm not done with summer. I wish it could stay summer all year 'round.

I also read someone online died from "complications from a routine colonoscopy" (my guess is their bowel got perforated?) and I've had 3-4 of them with no problem and all this time I thought that song was called Space MONKEY too when it turns out it's actually Space TRUCKIN' and it made me laugh, more mis-heard song lyrics and besides, WTF even IS a "Space monkey" anyway? Tomorrow I also finally see ELO in concert as well ( eeee!!) and in the morning we also have our annual Family Conference at the LTC home for my mother my hubby cracks is like a "Parent-Teacher Conference".

She's been through a lot You can tell As hard as it gets baby She holds it well Don't try to change her No, she will not bend.-Red Rider


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