Wednesday, September 18, 2024

End Of Summer Reflections.

Yesterday was another glorious summer day out( and yes, it still is summer and don't you forget it!) 27 C with a humidex of 34 C and the 17 YR old hates it though( he's just like the 29 YR old) and gruffs that "only psychos like it that hot" and they both much prefer the cool of fall but I love it like this and wish it was like this all year! I do like the beauty of the fall leaves but NOT all the rain that usually comes with it or the evil occult day at the end of October but luckily now we haven't had rain yet this month( normally we get 70 mm) and I hope it stays that way! Sad though,too: sunrise now isn't until 6:50 am and sunset until  7:15 pm and soon we'll have to change the clocks again for fall and then it will be even later.

This is also Buddy licking a pan of chicken lasagne clean and note how his long,floppy ears are folded back and  up so that they don't hang down and get all messy. HA! My hubby hates  them like that though and it drives him absolutely nuts and he's always quick to put them back to what he refers to as default factory setting , ha,ha,  and this morning I also found his asleep on his recliner chair( old man!) and I didn't know if he was sick or just tired and he said he's already worked 20 hours this week so far so much over-time but the good is at least he'll have days off for when he needs them but too bad he doesn't actually get paid  though for all the extra hours he does. Yesterday and today my abdomenal pain is so baaad too I wonder if my stupid colon is finally just going to explode,and my cough gets so bad I even wonder if maybe I have fluid around my heart and/or lungs,and I've also lost so much weight now I can actually feel my bones in my arms and legs now! Yahoo!!

This was also the Super moon or whatever-it-was last night and it was really big and bright and an orange/red colour although you can't tell from the photo but by the very fact that it even showed up tells you how big and how close it actually was,and one of my cousins in Europe married his mistress as well and announced it on Facebook and everyone congratulated them but not me. I just didn't leave any comment. There's nothing to congratulate them about; he cheated  on his first wife and abandoned her and their son for his mistress so why would I ever "congratulate" him on that? It's just a shitty, horrible, awful thing to do and I bet if his mother is looking down from the Other Side she wouldn't be too pleased,either, since that's also exactly what her first husband did to her,too( cheated on her) Luckily her second one was a good guy though and died within a year after she did as well, he missed her so much, and what makes the mistress-now-wife # 2 make her think that one day he won't also cheat on HER eventually,too, just like he did on his first wife with her? Seriously though, are there any guys that DON'T cheat? They're also having their Honeymoon at Disneyworld  in Florida, USA.and he's already taken her to Paris, Spain and all over USA before.

This is also one of my fave. all-time Go-To snacks: pizza flavour Goldfish crackers; I just love those things and they're almost as addictive as pistachio nuts, and yes, I DO lick the powder off my fingers in case you were wondering(I'm such a savage,I know!) and my mother said the best thing that happened to her in her life is the grandchildren( not me, her own child) which is ironic since  she wouldn't even have them if it wasn't for me,or even any grandkids at all since I'm her only child, so even though I've never been important (or loved) to anyone I still AM an important part of the equation whether they see it or not ,and below is glass Christmas ornaments from the 70's which brings back happy childhood memories and I wish I could just go back to that happy time and stay there. The music was better then and the TV shows and just life in general.
I was also a different person then and I was happy.

We're not worse than anyone else, but our well-being is worse than everyone's. It's because we feel emotions more intensely.-Hel Heim


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