Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Dave's Not Here,Man.

Yesterday some guy named Gary phoned us here and left a long message on the answering machine for his friend David, saying it's been so long since he's heard from him,etc. and asked him to call back, except it was the wrong number and there's no David here and we have no idea who him or Gary even are so he's going to be waiting a long time to hear back from him! We seems to get more calls for other people than we do for us! One of my American Facebook friends is also in Paris and I remember when I was there(and I brought the oldest and 30 YR old on that trip,too,  when they were younger,which they slept thru most of it due to the time difference) it rained the entire time and the drivers were one of the worst I've seen in the world( and in Rome,too; they were just crazy!) and  we broke a record yesterday with the 23 C temps and I even got suntan on my face,too!

They also said on the radio they're running out of IV's  in hospitals here and have to save them for the most critical patients and just half-ass it and give the others either Gatorade or Pedialyte solutions. I swear, this shithole is just sooo ass-backwards it's like a Third World country and I saw a so-called "prize" for a lottery too is season tickets to redneck hockey, basketball, and soccer games and to me that's the Booby-Prize! I wouldn't even bother entering for that (not that I gamble, anyway)and with my luck that's what I'd win(I'd just sell it and get the $$ instead) and I was also thinking my old friend G with the electric contraption he invented he claims "cures" ALS (it reminds me of the Scientology E-Meter) he's either crazy or a con-man; crazy if he actually really and truly thinks it works  and genuinely believes he's helping people or a con-man if he knows it's a load of shit and is just conning people out of their $$$ and I'm not sure which is worse but I suppose being a con-man is worse because it's intentional; at least if you're crazy you can't help it and you're not purposely deceiving people for profit.

It’s seeing the unseen….the forgotten, the invisible, and the ignored.-Ashley Bolden


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