Monday, October 21, 2024

Oxygen Bar.

Check this out! Can you see it? Look closely.....
It's a slug!
Doesn't it look like a snail without a shell?
I found it yesterday morning out on our back porch. I can also still remember gardening decades ago and going out at night with a flashlight picking slugs off my plants. Another good way to catch them,too, is to put beer into a shallow dish or lid and it attracts and then drowns them.
Yup, it really actually works.
Whoever knew that slugs were loser boozers?

This is also the view of the vines  and trees in the backyard changing colours and yesterday was an anazing 23 C and supposed to be the same again today(it was even 14 C when I woke up instead of the 1 C in the mornings like it had been lately) and tomorrow 21 C and 19 C on Wednesday but rain....but then drop back  down to more seasonal temps of around 9 C so tomorrow looks like our last time likely sitting outside, unless, of course, we have another warm-up sometime later....
The newly-minted 30 YR old( I almost automatically typed in 29 YR old!) also went to a place in town called Oxygen Bar and I just thought it was a regular bar/club with a funky name but it turns out that it's actually a thing; an Oxygen Bar is a specific place where you go and get actual "hits" of oxygen( like you do with helium to make funny voices) with a mask like you get for surgery, only not for medical use but for recreational use; it's supposed to be refreshing and rejeuvenating somehow.
I never even knew such a thing existed! What do you know?

I also found this and it made me laugh: one of the boys had counted every single one of his fries and labelled it  first before putting it in the fridge to save for later to make sure his brother didn't steal any! HA!😂
You have to admire the dedication though..

I also got a notice my jacket should arrive tomorrow but yeah....right....I'll believe that when I finally see it and my dreads should be ready around 20 November(I can hardly wait!! I'm soooo excited!!) and I thought my mother's LTC home( which was all decorated up for Satan's Day I just tried to ignore) was expensive at 2K a month too until I heard someone else in USA is paying 7500K a month! 
Holy f*ck!
How can anyone ever afford that? Where do they get all the $$$ from?

This is also the neighbour next-door's tree at the front, and I also saw Mr. Sunflower harvesting his sunflower seeds; the plants have all died now and he left them there but cut off and brought in the "faces" of the flowers to harvest the seeds and I still haven't seen The Man With The Black Dog yet either and I sort of liked talking with him as connecting with and talking to someone almost makes me feel like I have a friend.

There was also this radio ad for a cottage you can buy at "only" 400$ every 2 weeks( so that would be 800$ a month)...but NOW it's gone up to 400$ every week, so that's doubled now, up to 1600K a month! 
Holy shit!
Where do people get that kind of $$$ from though, esp. after paying all your bills?

More of the neighbour's pretty tree again. I just can't get enough of it; it's just so beautiful and I love to sit out on the front veranda and just gaze up at it in wonder.
Isn't God's creation just wonderful?

I found out there was a Diwali festival at a nearby town yesterday as well I would have just loved to go to, esp. for the food and entertainment but I didn't find out about it until after it was over.
It figures.
I always miss out on everything.
I miss out on life..

Yesterday my hubby & the boys also had Games Night with their friend group and one of them makes hand-made soaps she sells at the Farmer's Market and she gave everyone some and my hubby gave his to me( shown here) as he doesn't like what he calls "smelly stuff" but I *LOVE* it and I think it smells like lavender,too, which I really love! This morning the whole bathroom even had the wonderful aroma of lavender,too!

Some people don’t want children in the same sense that they don’t want syphilis, i.e., children are an undesirable thing to be avoided.-Ty Doyle


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Fall Beauty.

The only thing that mattered was surviving in a terrifying world from one day to the next.-Mel Jones The universe didn’t grant you this life...