Today I still have some left-over joy from the perfect day yesterday! (See yesterday's post for more details) We also got some of the Tim Hortons Smile cookies (it's just their coffee and donuts I don't care for) where 100% of profits go to charity(and God loves the charitable), in this case to the food bank. I took mine( the retarded, mental-looking one below because I know no one else would want it and I know exactly how that feels) and went outside and when I came back in there was only one left and I freaked thinking the 30 YR old ate the rest leaving the 17 YR old with only one left(so I saved it for him), but it turned out he'd already had one before, too,whew!
Yesterday being a perfect day was also topped off by being a beautiful starry night as well.
So I figured if Buddy and I died last night or today at least we had a perfect last day.

Yesterday the 17 YR old also dropped off a bunch of job resumes at various places looking for a job, with his volunteering being the "experience" which it still is, at the Bible Mission charity store inter-acting with customers, doing customer service, handling $$$, etc. ; he just didn't get paid for it but now he's trying to find a job to save up $$$ for post-secondary once he decides what he wants to study, and my hubby has to re-do alot of the outdoor Christmas lights as well as many of the bulbs are dead and it's too expensive to buy new ones but he has this cool gadget like doctors have to scan your legs for clots that tells him where the power went out so he knows which bulbs to replace, unlike when I was growing up and when one bulb went out the entire string of lights didn't work and you never knew which one it was.
I also got these Christmas Snoopy PJ pants for only 8$ ( I just looove a good sale!) and my hubby cracks, Wal-Mart special? and I replied, Of course! You were with me! and he laughs why don't I wear my PJs when I shop there since other people do and I told him I don't care what other people do but I'm NOT wearing my PJ's out, not even to Wal-Mart and I'll wear my trackpants there but NOT my PJs! We also finally got around to putting new batteries in the smoke alarms; we were supposed to when we switched the clocks back and I'd forgotten actually until the radio DJ mentioned it so I put batteries on the list but my hubby said Wal-Mart was all out and everywhere else was too expensive so he waited until they re-stocked which was just the other day when we went out so just got around to it now, some 2-3 weeks later.....but as it turned out most of them last for 10 years and didn't even need to be replaced!
It was a smoke detector that alerted us when we had our fire at the old Ottawa house 28 years ago,too; I heard it and went to check.....and was shocked stunned to find my bedroom on fire....
so, yeah....smoke alarms ARE really,really important!!!!!

I also saw this house online, my dream house both inside and out
and you'll never guess how much it costs:......

Just 450K in Ohio!

Holy f*ck!
I flipped!
Here in the Shithole it would cost millions $$$!!!!
I really AM in the wrong country!!
Find a man that never let's you go to sleep at night wondering if you still matter.-Ayaz Ali
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