Monday, November 18, 2024

One 'Mo Time.

Today was such a rare glorious warm day in NOVEMBER  it was 13 C and Buddy and I got to sit outside in the sun one more time!
We sat out in the back in the morning for 2 hours(where the sun was) and out at the front in the afternoon for 2 more hours, so that's 4 hours in total today!
It was a perfect day.

I even got some sun on my face which is nice esp. since my suntan is pretty much all faded now from summer. I just  love the feeling of the sun on my face(it's the best feeling in the world!) and that's how I hope to die,actually, sitting outside feeling the warmth of the sun on my face.

I'm pretty sure I'm getting a cold as I'm all stuffy, sniffly, snorty and congested and my nose is runny and I have a headache but getting outside always makes me feel better.
Today was just such a *perfect* day I couldn't wait until tomorrow to post about it.

It reminded me of that perfect day at the cottage when I was 4-5 years old and I was all tanned and still in my bathingsuit ( an ugly 2-piece  dark red with white trim I hated because my belly always got cold in the water!)all wet and glistening from swimming and I curled up on the white wooden porch swing with a towel wrapped around me as it swayed back & forth, listening to my mother and my aunt talk, feeling the warm summer breeze blowing on me, and I peacefully fell asleep.
It was just perfect  and I just drifted away, happy in the sun.
Today was like that.
Thank you, God.

I've been contemplating the difference between being eccentric and being batshit.-Philip


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