Thursday, December 5, 2024

Almost Fished-In!

I almost got fished-in!
Someone called saying they were from the bank and my new credit card was hacked( not again!) and asked if I charged 1499$ on gift cards in USA and 499$ for a cellphone which I didn't, which is exactly what happened last time so he said he'll cancel my card and send me out a new one and starting an investigation since it keeps happening and put me on to the senior investigator who said someone claiming to be my "sister" made those charges this morning and knew my Social Insurance number, phone number and date of birth, verifying the purchase, so they basically stole my ID and can take out loans, etc, using it,and said they suspect it's a bank employee, so they said not to tell anyone I was hacked in case it's someone in my family using my card which sounded reasonable enough.....
but then....
Then they also said I'm to go to a meeting with a certain person at the bank next week(and not purchase anything or do online banking in the meantime) and to only ask for them by name but to NOT say about being hacked, and to NOT tell anyone where I'm going; to just have my hubby drop me off somewhere else and walk,etc. it was starting to sound like some secret covert operation so I started getting suspicious.....
and then....
this is when my alarm bells really starting going off
and I know I'm dumb but I'm *NOT* that dumb:
Then they said to bring my "hacked" "cancelled" card and purchase 4 500$ gift cards  at Shoppers Drug Mart for Foot Locker and something else(I forgot what it was) to "'pay' for the investigation".....
and then I was like,
What the F*CK?
Gift cards?
Heyyyyy!!!! This doesn't make any sense at all! It sounds like some kind of scam to me!! I shouldn't have to buy anything or pay for an investigation! I'm going to hang up now and call the bank to verify!
and I did.
I hung up and soon later a call came back but I ignored it. I let the machine pick it up and they hung up. If it actually was the bank they'd leave a message to call them back like before.Normally I would just let the machine pick it up and I only answered it as I thought it was the doctor's office calling back.I tried twice to call them but couldn't get thru. I couldn't get thru to the bank but I went to my online account and nothing was amiss and there were no warnings or anything so I assume my card is ok and not really actually hacked and I also changed my password.
F*ck, I'm mad, not only almost being scammed but because at first it seemed legit and I wasted an hour or so on the phone trying to resolve it.....a problem that didn't even exist!!

As well, my hubby has to go to Toronto for work next Wednesday and 3 weeks yesterday is Christmas, and I noticed as well Buddy's lower jaw has shrunk and is now much smaller than the upper jaw; they used to match and be the same size but now the top  is much longer so he must have cancer in his lower jaw and its eating away and my pharmacist friend in USA said she had to file for bankruptcy once because of medical bills and she makes a good salary,too,  my friend F( from grade 6 ) also bragged on Facebook he had a 150$ steak at some restaurant,showing-off, and all I could think of was he has more money than brains,and I heard this commercial about Christmas too saying about Being surrounded by all your loved ones but for me that would just be Buddy.

I feel like I exist in life but don't know how to actually be there.

Almost got scammed. Someone called saying from the bank and my card got hacked again but once they said I had to go to the meeting alone and not tell anyone and buy 4 500$ gift cards to pay for the investigation I knew it was a scam. F*ckers! I may be dumb but NOT that dumb!


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