Thursday, February 27, 2025

Meet The Parents.

Last night the 30 YR old finally came back and Buddy knew he was as he picked up the scent awhile before he got back and he told me he was coming. Him and his GF dropped by for awhile and then they headed off for a long 5 HR drive up north so he can meet her parents!! This is a big step and means it's serious! He has to put on that charm of his and I'm sure it'll be no problem because everyone always likes him. I also hope that they're weird like us and then he'll feel right at home.HA! Yesterday I also saw my first robin of the season so spring is coming and I heard birds singing and the sun was out and it was mild and felt like spring so when I was out smoking 'Da Blessed Herb I didn't freeze my ass off for once but today we're getting snow, rain,and freezing rain and snow tomorrow, and enough to shovel. I also can't believe tomorrow is March already and almost Lent! One thing I also learned in life and about people too is if someone's racist they're also not a good person in general.A kid at a local school was also arrested with a gun and knives at school and they got put into lockdown and the SWAT team showed up! I'm sooo glad I homeschooled my kids!

They're giving away shitty prizes on the radio as well I wouldn't even bother calling in for; it's just not worth it; tickets to the sportsmen show which is just hunting and fishing and for some stupid fight called MAA or MMA or something like that; some boring guy thing, and my fave. Facebook friend also thinks he has kidney cancer( 90% chance the doctor said) and he has "spots" on his kidney, lung, and forehead and he's getting a biopsy, and I heard Gene Hackman, his wife, and  his dog were all found dead in their home so I wonder if it was maybe carbon monoxide poisoning or something and I didn't realize he was 95! I didn't know he was that old!  I also have to go to the store to get a few things I don't trust my hubby to pick up( face wash and moisturizer; he'd get the wrong thing) and I hardly ever get to go out yet he still says he "has no time", always too busy doing his own things like chess and pickleball,  and he HATES having to take me anywhere,and this morning I found him asleep on his recliner instead of doing yoga too and he said he was just "tired" but I know better; he does that when he's not feeling well( but won't admit it) so maybe he won't be up for pickleball tonight and I can go out afterall? Maybe he can just drop me off?

Maybe your path is harder because your calling is higher.-IlluminatiBot


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