Saturday, March 1, 2025

Daily Thought.


Slogging Along.

Nothing much going on here lately, just slogging along thru life. Yesterday asshat Trump hosted Zelensky at the White House and he was just such an awful host, just rude, insulting and vile; him and his VP were belittling and bullying him, but to Zelensky's credit he stood up to them and didn't sign the minerals deal, not letting them push him around or take advantage of his country. It was just a horrific, embarrassing display of bad manners and an awful way to treat a guest and it only showed the world what he's really like and will hopefully serve as a warning. Zelensky should have just mooned those assholes and walked out. That's what I would have done if I was him. Now I've never been a "fan" of Zelensky(he's a grifter and an even bigger mooch than my dog) but after yesterday I do respect him now. I'm sure Biden( as well as other decent Americans) must be soooo embarrassed as well that's how the White House treated a guest they hosted and he never would have been so disrespectful and rude like that. Trump is also living proof that money can't buy class.

Yesterday we also got a snowstorm and yet there I was, still sitting out on the front veranda smoking mi a J enjoying watching the snow coming down and you do have to admit though that a blizzard is quite beautiful,and I had That Headache again as well, the really baaad one that just throbs, pounds, and pulses, and I finally got to go to the store and get my stuff, even in a blizzard; even with my headache,the only time my hubby had, and he was mad I got Easter chocolates just to eat but there's always just been something special about the taste of Easter chocolate and it brings me joy, and it only comes out once a year, and no more Paczki (I esp. love the raspberry-filled ones!)now either once it's Lent( waaah!!)and yesterday was also the last Friday in 6 weeks or so I can have meat or treats( chocolate, desserts, snacks, cake, chips, etc.) until after Easter as Lent starts and it's fasting, and even though I left the Church a few years ago I'll still always have some Catholicism in my heart( and keep some traditions) and I'd only consider returning some day if they reconciled with the Indian Residential Schools and clergy sex abuse and brought back the traditional Latin Mass and ended all that "Woke" crap like rainbow flags in churches.

Today I also actually got hot water this morning for my bath because I was up early before my hubby (yay!) and I heard the Pope aspirated on vomit and is now on a ventilator, and like I said, I really much doubt he'll be leaving the hospital alive, and my cough's sooo bad now too I almost threw up yesterday, and the 30 YR old's boss dropped by yesterday and said he wants to go back to work and is getting "stir-crazy" but the surgeon says he's not ready yet( esp. when he climbs up high ladders and scaffolding) as he still wants the bone to calcify all around the knee implant and he showed me the X-ray and also challenged me to try his THC edibles claiming they're strong and will "knock my socks off" but I doubt it; edibles simply just don't work for me; just that one time in Jamaica when I had that brownie and I thought I was going to slip under the table in the dining room.  Yesterday I was also blocked on Twitter by a Trump supporter who didn't like my post about him and I found out when I trid to reply and found out I had been blocked but it just made me laugh; it's almost as if the trash took itself out. The asshole also said I was a "traitor to the US" even though I'm NOT even American! HA! What a loser!!

I'm really tried of acting strong. my soul hurts, my heart and my mind is lost.-LowKeyAlbert


Daily Thought.