While I was out walking Buddy I noticed that there are a few houses on our street whose front doors are painted bright red and it got me thinking: I wonder if it's some sort of secret code or something indicating to those in the know that it signifies that the owners of the house sell drugs, for example, sort of like when you see shoes dangling from overhead wires( or at least that's what I've heard anyway, unless that's just an Urban Myth, which I've always wondered; I mean, if I can recognize drug-dens by hanging sneakers so can the cops, right?) or idicates they belong to some sort of secret club or society? My friend T (from Ottawa) joked maybe there was just a sale on red paint? Ma7ybe they just like red, but 4 or 5 of them all on the same street and one of them the door was black when they moved in and then they painted it red so it's just one of those things that makes me wonder.....hey, maybe they're even Satanists or something truly bizarre.....
Today is also my mother's birthday: she's 78 and she sees the doctor today too; her twice a year visit with him and she'll see her bloodwork results and finally discuss her concern that one boob is twice the size of the other(and possible cancer) and my guess is he'll book her for a mammogram(which she's never had) and hopefully put her on something for arthritis for her constant pain in her hip, side, back and arse srea. My thyroid test came back ok too; the Gyno was wondering if that may have been causing my issues; either too low or too high but it ended up normal and I see her next week again and get my biopsy results.
I brought my sunflowers indoors for the day today as well as we're supposed to get a BAD storm, even a tornado possible, and my hubby scoffs, I'm pretty sure they're used to rain! but this is more than just rain we're talking about here and I don't want it to end up like last year where I got so close; where it got to the bud and then died before it ever got to open. The story of my life; I almost make it, I almost get there, but just not quite and then just when it's almost there it all comes crashing down hard. I justignored him and did it anyway and I have come to learn to listen to my own "gut" instinct and ignore the scoffing of others. There used to be a time in my life when I didn't; when I was younger and thought everyone else must know more than I do and I'd always ignore my own instincts and go with what they'd say....with disasterous results, like the time I was a kid and my so-called "friends" wouldn't wait up for me to go to the bathroom at recess; they'd leave without me so I learned to "hold" it and NOT go pee and ended up with a really bad bladder infection!
Since then I've learned to go with what I feel is right and my "gut instinct" is telling me( which I think is actually the Holy Spirit prompting me) is right, and it's a good thing,too as if I hadn't 2 of the kids would have died: before when the 24 YR old was a newborn he was hardly peeing much and I was worried and my mother( who is retired from the medical field and should have known better!) brushed it off as, He's small so his pees are small.....but I knew he should have been soaking his diapers ( he was, afterall, my 5th child) and he wasn't.....and I was concerned so I had him checked out and it was a good thing too: he was dehydrated and losing weight, which is critical in a new baby; apparantly I wasn't making enough milk and had to also suppliment with formula and then he quickly gained weight and thrived but had I ignored my own concerns and listened to her he would have starved to death. The same thing with the now 21 YR old when he was 7 and had leukemia: I had this really bad feeling about it; that he had cancer but she kept dismissing it as, You just worry too much, You're just an overly-concerned mother, You're just 'imagining' things... etc. but I took him to the hospital anyway and I was right....and running out of time; they said he had but just days to live. I have never been so rattled in my entire life.
Mothers always know. Always listen to your Inner Voice.Ignore the scoffers.
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