Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Cheese Pie.

The other day the 25 YR old got this Greek spiral cheese pie ( seen in the photo above) that was the size of a pizza. It was frozen and he had to cook it but the instructions were in Greek( so at least we know it was an authentic Greek pie, made with Phyllo pasty and filled with Feta cheese, my God it was goood!) so it literally was all Greek to him and he couldn't figure out how to do it but then reasoned that the numbers would still be the same, as in time and oven temps so he got it figured out and it turned out wonderful! He wasn't too fond of it though so guess who got to eat most of it?! Ooooh, it was just sooooo good and Buddy liked it,too (I always share with My Boy) but then again he loves cheese. The other night the 25 YR old was also woken up by this God-awful loud shrieking sound and looked out his window to see 2 cats in the middle of the street having loud,vocal violent sex with a third cat sitting there looking on and then a neighbour stormed out of his house and threw a shoe at them in anger yelling at them to shut up and they scattered away. I swear, the funniest things happen to him.

I also went to the lab the other day for bloodwork and the door was locked and I was afriad it was closed and I panicked and was like, Oh, f*ck, it's closed and my hubby dropped me off and now I'm just stuck here and no way to call him to come get me... but I rattled on the door and someone came and opened it, dressed in a full Hazmat suit, goggles and face-shield, it looked like from some sort of Alien movie and it freaked me out and before she let me in she quizzed me with questions about the Corona virus such as Do you have a cough or fever? Have you been exposed to the virus? Have you been told to isolate? Have you travelled out of the country?  and of course that one she didn't believe me when I said I hadn't because I'm so suntanned and she thought for sure I was lying trying to cover it up, and she kept interrogating  me and I told her, I swear, I just got tanned from the sun, in my backyard; I'm always outside when it's nice out; you can just as easily get suntanned here,too, you know.... and I finally got in and they only had 2 chairs for clients instead of the usual dozen or so and everyone had the Hazmat suits on and it was quite surreal and eerie. I got my results online and same as always: liver continues to decline and my enzyme level was high: 146 and the average range is between 35-120 and over the past tests mine had always been high and continued to go up; it had been 124, 135, and 138 and now 146 (taken every 6 months) so it continues to go up and get worse. They also started charging for this test too(it used tobe covered) and it's good I still did it as it showed up abnormal but at least I got my 12$ worth though and it wasn't all for nothing.

I also heard due to the over-hype and overreaction due to the so-called "pandemic" they cancelled the CNE (The "Ex") this year too and I'm heartbroken. That's our summer tradition and one of my 2 fave days of the entire year (along with Christmas) I always look forward to every year and now it feels like my summer died. For me it would be just like Christmas got cancelled. The 17 YR old also told me that the almost-21 YR old and her BF (they've been together 4 YRS now) broke up as they basically have different life-goals (even though before she'd said she thought that he was The One) which is sad if so(and you never forget your First Love), but I really think it's just another one of their pranks they're always pulling on me to worry me, stress me, mind-f*ck me, trick me, fool me, etc. just like they always have before so I don't really believe it and just assume they're trying to trick me again, so even if this time it is  true I don't believe it because they're always tricking me and making stuff up and starting rumours so I have no way to tell anymore what's true and what isn't and I'm not "falling" for any of their crap again so now I just don't believe anything  that they say anymore, like the Boy Who Cried Wolf.

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Wordless Wednesday.