Thursday, May 14, 2020

Little Baby IV.

This is my mother's little baby IV solution. She has separate individual ones for each day she brings with her and they run it thru each day which takes about 30 minutes. Tomorrow is supposed to be her last day, assuming all goes according to plan and it was just yesterday that she even started to notice any difference; that the pain and itch was a bit less and she was beginning to have a bit of energy and was up and around a bit and even sat on her chair out on the front porch again,too, something she hadn't been doing for ages and was just always laying in bed all the time, so hopefully it's finally working! She has to keep the IV solution in the fridge and it's in a big paper bag too and it looks like it came from Chinese take-out or delivery! Early in the day before the app't she also has to take it out and let it warm up as putting something cold into your veins is just nasty. I also noticed a black scabby thing come off Buddy's lower part of his mouth and so I looked closer and to my heartbreak I saw part of his mouth was also missing and being eaten away by the same black scabby thing like on his face under his eye and my heart just sank: it must be cancer; what else would keep eating away at his flesh like that for months and never heal up? I remember he did  tell me last year that he has cancer( and his sad eyes tell it all) but I just didn't want to believe it, and in both the Bible and the Qu'ran it tells us that God never gives a soul more than it can bear and I know I could NOT  bear to lose Buddy, to live without him, as he is the only thing in my life that keeps me going; the only love, light, joy,and happiness in my life and without him I would be lost, empty, alone and my life would be meaningless. Even if he does have cancer and he is dying ( and he is 14,afterall) I still hope and pray that I go first.

The 25 YR old also collects all these rare antique and even ancient artifacts from the 1800's and even medieval times and even eaqrlier, such as scrolls, rings, statues,documents, books,(he has the Charles Dickens collections from the 1800's with intricate covers, for example) etc. and his most recent purchase was a remnant from the Book Of Hours ( his room is like a museum!) and to get it he had to go thru a bunch of paperwork, legal paperwork, registration, documentation, etc....and after all that they sent him the wrong thing; it got mixed up with some other guy's order in the UK so he ended up getting something from King Richard and the guy in the UK got his order so they both have to send it back and then they'll switch. It's all very fascinating and I think of all the kids he's the most interesting. My hubby also got mad and was chewing me out this morning as cutting my toast I also (God forbid! I should be flogged!) left ....crumbs! on the counter and he raged how I'm a messy slob and pig and how I don't take care of anything and I'm not perfect, etc...WTF? For one thing I never said I was "perfect" ( far from it and he's the one that thinks he's "perfect") and it's just that things like that don't bother me; I'm more easy-going and laid-back and I just don't care. I used to get all worked-up about every little thing but it was just too stressful and took too big of a toll on me emotionally so one day I just decided screw it; I was no longer going to let the "little" things bother me or get to me anymore,and I told him if it bothers him so much then he can clean it. I'm done worrying and stressing over stupid little things anymore. I have much more important things to focus on.

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