Saturday, November 7, 2020


My hubby announced he was re-doing the kitchen and for once he even asked me what ideas I had for wallpaper and he never asks my input, opinion or permission,and, in fact, he and the 17 YR old just went ahead without even telling  me and re-did both the upstairs and downstairs hallways and got rid of the nice floral wallpaper I liked( as did my mother and the 26 YR old) and painted it an ugly gloomy institutional prison-grey so this time I actually get a say and I chose the Delft  style wallpaper pattern, after the blue and white  Delft pottery  style from the Dutch town of the same name. I have always loved that and I even have 2 ornamental wall plates of it up in my bedroom as well as ceramic Dutch clogs in the same pattern I got in Amsterdam(I've been there 3 times and it was funny,too as when the 19 YR old was little she thought it was Hamsterdam and asked if I saw any hamsters there!) so I chose 5 "kitchen" themed patterns here and he said he likes the second and fourth ones (that I think look particularly Dutch and Russian) but that the others are too "busy" and of course the 17 YR old hates them all and says they're "ugly", most likely automatically because I like them and chose them as being an oppositional difficult teen she has to automatically hate everything I like. So now they say it won't "match" the kitchen cupboards.....even though they're oak; they're wood so anything will match wood so it will be intetresting to see what happens. I doubt my choice will actually end up on the kitchen wall(even though I hope it will as I'll just love it) as anything I like is automatically disgarded but it was still fun to pick out my choices and to dream even so. I heard in Heaven your dreams come true and if so I will have my own place( I hope a replica of my old Toronto house with the happy memories and I will have the clawfoot tub again) and I'll also have a Delft themed kitchen,too!

Yesterday and today Buddy is also extra "clingy" and stays close-by me and never lets me get too far and keeps close by even following me to the bathroom and snuggling on my lap when I'm at the computer as if he can sense one of us(either me or him) is in a bad way(are one or both of us dying,perhaps?) and he needs to be close by for comfort and yesterday I did stumble and fall forward and hit my ribs on the table as it caught my fall and I didn't even have any weed and it was just as if I tripped over my own feet and for the past few days I also have this really weird bad headache I can't even describe as well as achy ears and really dizzy and I keep feeling "woozy" like I'm going to faint and this morning in the AM Buddy kept waking up and was really restless too andkept pacing I wondered if he had to go to the bathroom but when I asked him he settled back down so it wasn't that but something is definitely agitating him. He also picked up  and tracked a scent yesterday on his walk and it led him to a hot babe and he found a pretty little Pomeranian who was shy and coy and hiding behind a bush and he got all excited, so even at almsot 15 he's still 'got" it, the dirty old man, ha, ha!

Yesterday all entire outside also reeked of manure, and sooo bad it permeated the entire town and it was soooo bad it made me nauseated and I felt so sick like I was going to throw up; it was as if a manure factory exploded or something it was just sooooo bad, it literally smelled like shit, and I heard on the news there's a gonorrhrea outbreak in town,too, which really doesn't surprise me one bit given all the nasty-ass skanky ho's in this redneck hick-ass town,  and a neighbour across the street has both "Satan's Day" (Halloween) and Christmas decorations up at the same time so it's like they're celebrating BOTH Satan's and Jesus' birthdays, and I realized as well that the celebrity that I most resemble is Uncle Fester from the Addams Family.

Yesterday my mother also tried to take the 17 YR old's banana chocolate muffin that I had set out on her place-setting with her breakfast and give it to the 13 YR old because he never got one( we only had a pack of 6 and you snooze, you lose) and I told her no way, you can't just do that and take something away from the one you don't like and just give it to the one you do like; that's not fair, but she must have somehow manipulated or guilted or talked the 17 YR old into it somehow as she ended up giving it to him afterall and exchanging it for a chocolate one( even though he could have just as easily had a chocolate one,too; we had 6 of them still left) proving again that everything always revolves around the 13 YR old and that he's the family's pampered spoiled little prince and gets special rights which has turned him into an entitled horrible brat and I try to discourage but of course no one ever backs me up and they've created a monster but I'm  the mean one  and picking on him for not allowing it. Somehow it's always MY fault. The 26 YR old also wouldn't let me borrow any of his Tiger Balm salve for my bad back,either and says only if I pay him 5$ and I'm his own mother and I said I gave him life and then he says I still owe him for that! Can you believe it? My family just sucks! Still no official results in the American election yet either(Election DAY is more like election WEEK!) but it looks like Biden's clinched it, and I sure hope so, I hope they learn from their mistakes and don't repeat them, unlike Canada who re-elected it!


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