Sunday, November 8, 2020

Our Last Days.

Yesterday was yet another incredible mild day, 18 C so Buddy and I were outside in the backyard soaking up the sun and enjoying the nice warm spring-like weather but I also know these are our Last Days,too, that our time is coming to an end as the week-long warm weather is only lasting for 3 more days and then on Thursday it's going down to a more seasonal high of 9 C or something and then winter will begin and then there's no looking back; this is only short-lived and I know it won't last; these are our last days of spring-like weather until the end of March if we're lucky, maybe not even until April, and if either (or both) of us die before spring this really will be our Last Days out together enjoying the sun and the nice weather literally , our last chance to revel in and enjoy the sun and warm temps. In any case, one way or the other it won't last for long and we're enjoying every moment, every second, for as long as we can, grateful for this amazing gift in November when we'd normally even have snow. It's like a blessing from God.

My hubby also had this fool idea he thought was "funny" to shove a used up toilet paper roll onto Buddy's long snoot as it( as he puts it_ fits perfectly but of course the poor dog didn't like it and it scared him and I was furious and took it off and yelled at him and told him to leave him alone and the damn fool laughed and grinned and chuckled like an wonder poor Buddy's always paranoid around him, wondering what he'll do next and always runs over to me for protection. last night for his bed time walk(it was dark) a cat also kept attacking him too( and it wasn't even a big cat, just a mean one)  pouncing and lunging at him trying to attack him so I picked up a stick and swung at it, hitting it away and scared it off but it kept coming back but after a few good hard whacks it finally took off.

I heard on the radio as well homes in this srea are now valued at an average of 488 K  and when we had the real estate agent over awhile ago to appraise our house he said we'd only get half of that, maybe even less, so there's no way we'd even be able to sell (even if we wanted to, which we don't; this is our home and we don't want to move, and moving is such a hassle,anyway) as anything else out there we'd buy would cost more than we'd get selling this one  so even though our house is all paid off we'd stillhave to take out a new mortgage to pay the new one so what's the point? it's starting all over again which we can't afford to do at this point. Now we can hardly even afford to get the $$$ to pay the property tax which is over 4K a year!

I also have this red, raw, peeling, stinging, shiny skin in the wrinkles and folds where my upper legs attach to my torso and my guess is yeast so I'm putting cream on it, and for the past 2 days my leg muscles hurt so much,too, so bad I can hardly even walk or even move yet I have no idea why as I haven't exercised or strained them in any way and Biden did win the US election, thank God, and sucky cry-baby Trump refuses to admit defeat and is basically holing himself up in the White House refusing to leave(talk about a sore loser, ha!) so I wonder if  they'll have to send in the National Guard to come in and drag him off, like some military coup in some Third World country overthrowing an emperor dictator? I closely followed this election even more than I did our own,too, because whoever leads USA has a much bigger global impact on the world and basically if USA sneezes, we catch a cold and so now with Trump finally gone at last everyone in the world except for the Deplorables is all giving a huge collective sigh of relief and doing the Happy Dance.. Biden even LOOKS more Presidential than Trump and is certainly more well-mannered, cultured, diplomatic, polite, tactful and professional. I think people truly missed the Obama years and this is in a sense like re-living it as Biden was Obama's VP.

Also, the 26 YR old made this amazing lamb stew with orzo for dinner yesterday.


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