Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Pondering For The Day.



Yesterday my friend A (from Ottawa) posted up on his Facebook that he got his second vaccine and asked people to respond and others said funny things like now he's "magnetic" "radioactive" "has a GPS implanted in him" "has a tracer implanted" is a "lizard-person" etc. and I posted the above anti-vaxx meme and shortly after he sent me an angry message saying NOT to post any of my anti-vaxx stuff on his wall.....even though he had no issue with what the others were posting( and he had deleted my comment but not theirs) so why was I singled out? It really hurts too because we've been friends for over 35 years now and I value his friendship and care what he thinks, unlike other people, if they ridicule me, exclude me and reject me they can just f*ck off and I don't care what they think but it does hurt when even my own friends reject me, de-friend me, block me, etc. because I reject this whole Corona crap with all the mandates, lockdowns, restrictions, vaccines, etc. I have a right  to think and believe what I want even if it is different than what the majority thinks and this whole thing has just always felt so wrong to me and I just can't in good conscience go along with it, believe it, agree with it, or go along with it,and Ive never been one to go along with the crowd and follow the herd and I'm used  to NOT fitting in and always going in the opposite direction of everyone else but when it's my own family and friends turning on me too that's really hard but then you also have to ask yourself too: are they really "friends" though if they would dump you like that and turn their back on you simply because you disagree about something? You can have different opinions and beliefs and still be friends.. That's one of the worse things about this Scamdemic  too(as well as loss of our freedoms) is how it divides people; it divides family and friends, it breaks up friendships, it socially distances people, it divides vaccinated against unvaccinated, etc.

It's the same with my friend T(also from Ottawa) who I've been friends with now for over 30 years; he hates my anti-vaxx stance too and almost de-friended me from his Facebook due to my posts but decided against it only because we've been friends for so long but has de-friended others and he did stop following me on Twitter for the same reason and it's hurtful, which leaves me 2 options: to think and re-consider my stance and position and give in to the pressure of social conditioning in order to keep  my friends but to go against everything I believe in or to stay the course and remain resolute and steadfast to what I believe and risk losing everyone and being out there all on my own but staying true to my principles and what I believe to be true.....
I know what I have to do. The same thing I've always done.
I have to stay true to what I believe is right and speak my truth even if I have to do it alone.

I also took this gorgeous photo of Buddy yesterday when he was snuggling on my lap. he got sooo many likes on Facebook for it,too, not surprisingly. He's such a sweet guy. He even has his own Facebook page too and twice as many friends as I do,too; over 600! Yesterday I also saw the neighbours at the corner( the ones that sold their house) with this fancy, big-ass swanky RV they were struggling to back up into their driveway and it took them a good 15 minutes to do so and it was almost comical to watch and I wonder if they're moving soon as the house does look "bare" now and they took down the sold sign they had on their lawn for the longest time......hmmm....I wonder....maybe we'll have some new neighbours soon?



Monday, June 28, 2021

Truth For Today.


5 Weeks.

My little sunflower babies are now 5 weeks old but not so "little" anymore and they have now grown taller than their enclosure and the lid no longer fits on top of them so I can no longer cover them up at night anymore but they've grown stronger now and have thicker stems to be able to withstand strong winds and now it's more dense in there with less open spaces for critters to root around it's not as likely squirrels etc. will be digging around in there and uproot them as much as before, where I lost around 3 small seedlings earlier. They're growing nice and big and tall and doing well and so far this is easily my best year yet! The first year I only had 8 or 9 plants that survived and last year I only had 6! It's also been really hot here the past few days too with temps 30 C with humidex 40 C but even worse  for the poor Edmonton Boys and Vancouver Girls; they're having a heatwave soooo bad it's 40C with a humidex of 50 C! That's so hot you can't even go outside! We're also having a drought too with so little rain and all the grass is brown but it's supposed to rain most of this week though.

There's also this really big shit on our lawn but it doesn't look like a dog shit; it's this huge plop and not turds and too big for even a big dog but looks like a human shit but who the f*ck would do a shit on our lawn and why, and as for me I finally did a veritable respectable turd, so hopefully I'm finally all back to my normal and whatever it was; a twisting or blockage or just simply a "back-log" has finally resolved itself, and it bothers me too that some of my own cousins won't even accept me on Facebook because I'm different and have different opinions and they avoid me and don't like me and think I'm crazy and weird and this whole COVID Scamdemic thing also reveals to ourselves and to others who we really are as well; if we're mindless obedient little sheeple that obey authority without thinking and without question and go along with the crowd or if we think for ourselves and question things; if we're leaders or followers, and my hubby laughs at me because I believe some thigs but not others but that's because I do think for myself and question things and DON'T just blindly believe everything I see or hear, even from so-called "experts"; I'm not gulliable; I take in the info and process it and if it conflicts or just doesn't make sense or "fit" or if it feels wrong or "off" in any way then I'm wary, so some things I believe and others I don't; it all depends but I think and I use my own mind.

My cousin L in Europe says her 16 YR old daughter is mad as well as she's been given a notice from her school to self-isolate for 2 weeks as she's been exposed to someone with the virus( teacher or classmate) and she had to cancel her dinner plans, her hair app't, plans out with friends, going to work, etc. and I said she should just ignore it and she answered she'd be fined and I said as if they're even going to know... and she said it would be wrong.... and I'm like give me a break! I can't believe how easily everyone's been so socially conditioned and brainwashed to actually believe all this crap! and to make it even more ridiculous is she's even been vaccinated too so then where's the risk and what does she have to worry about,and why does she even have to isolate if she's immune anyway? Then what's even the point of getting the vaccine then if you still have to isolate, wear masks and go thru all the same restrictions,anyway? My hubby also hassles and taunts me for being anti-vaxx as well even though I don't see him rushing out to get his vaccine,either, and you can tell the one you love the most is the last one you think about before you fall asleep at night and the first one you think about when you wake up. Here's mine:

I had a dream my life would be So different from this hell I'm living So different now from what it seemed Now life has killed the dream I dreamed. -I Dreamed A Dream- Les Miserables


Sunday, June 27, 2021

Daily Joke.


Ketchup Post.

Catching Up On Everything: 

- I had a nightmare the other night that Buddy is dying of cancer which I hope isn't actually really true; he is my heart and soul!

- The other day when I posted about medical procedures I hate I forgot one: the mammogram! Those things are awful, like torture devices; it's like squashing your poor titties in a tight fitting vice and it pinches and squeezes them really tight so much that it hurts and it's NOT a test I want to go thru again.

- I am sad to find out one of my fave. TV shows has been cancelled; Mom, and I didn't see it coming either which makes it even worse,and now I'll never know what happens; if Adam beats his cancer or if Jill has a baby boy or girl.....

- I heard they're calling for auditions for a show called Canada's Got Talent and I imagine that will be a really short show, probably something like one episode and only something like 2 or 3 contestants. HA!

- I got all excited for a couple of days thinking my neighbour got a nice new car but then his old one was back so I guess it was just in the shop and it was just a "loaner." I know, I have such a boring life.

- I had such a baaad pain yesterday and at the moment I realized it's possible that I might be dying my last moment's thought was this: Well, at least if I'm dying I won't have to cook Sunday dinner tomorrow....

- As for my SHITuation yesterday and today I was able to clinch off 2 small Tootsie Roll-size turds so at least that's a start. Now just a few thousand more left and I can finally get it all cleared out...

- I still cry when I think back to 4 years ago when the 18 YR old self-harmed. The thought of her hurting herself just destroyed  me and broke something deep down inside me I was never able to retore. That moment was the proverbial Straw that broke the camel's back; the final. last defining moment that just gutted me and finished me off for good that I was never able to recover from.

- Yesterday the entire nail just came off one of my baby toes and I also noticed a big brown mole on it and I wondered if maybe I could have a melanoma (skin cancer) on the nail like Bob Marley did? If so it would be an honour  to have the same kind of cancer that he did and I wouldn't mind getting it amputated though; my hubby always makes fun of it and calls it my Retarded Toe  and says it's ugly and it's one of 4 deformed toes I inherited from my mother's side and it always rubs on my shoes and hurts anyway so getting rid of it would be a bonus.

- Yesterday I was in the gourmet cheese section of Wal-Mart  and it suddenly struck me as ironic; ironic that I'd even be in a gourmet cheese section of Wal-Mart and that Wal-Mart would even have  a gourmet cheese section and then I just laughed out loud at the absurdity of it.

- My hubby wants me to cut his hair(the 18 YR old used to do it but she's in BC now) even though all he has to do is put a clipper on the hair shaver and run it over his head; it's easy and I do it myself every week but he's being a sucky big baby over it, being childish whining he does so 'much' for me etc. and I can't even do this 'one thing' for him....etc. but what's the big deal? Why can't he just do it himself? it's really NOT that hard,and as always he "twists" it all around to put the blame and "guilt" on me, except it doesn't work because I don't feel any "obligation" to him(he treats me like shit so I don't "owe" him anything!) and in my mind I already set myself "free" years ago.

Everyone has a weakness,and there's always a way; you just have to find it.


Saturday, June 26, 2021

Musing For The Day.