I got this off Quora:
Are you one of the few who can see what this image is?
That was really really easy to see.
In fact I fussed over it the image. I was really worried that the task was too easy and you would miss my point.
I thought should I put a bigger one, a smaller one, a less clear one…
But in the end I settled with the one above.
If you can’t see it, you are just not looking hard enough, that you are not trying hard enough.
Or maybe you are just being lazy.
And what would happen if I thought the answers that you do give are really stupid—I mean like really really ridiculously stupid?
I mean we can all see what that picture is of really easily.
Why can’t you?
What is wrong with you?
After a while, I bet you would shut up and stop talking. I bet you would not want to be around us as much.
That is what an Aspie is in a world of neurotypicals. Our brain works differently and that means we can do cool and amazing things.
We hear more, see more, feel more, smell more…
Our brain makes amazing associations.
An Aspie is a person who has an intense interest in something other than socializing.
We socialize differently—specifically, we memorize social rules and we are prompt driven.
So when we are hanging out with you, our brain will sift through previous social situations that are similar and then see how the interaction went for us. If it went well we will repeat what we did.
Some of us, girls in particular, will have learned some of our lines from movies or the popular girls who were successful with socializing.
We also communicate differently. We are more honest and direct. So if you ask us if we like your painting, then we will tell you the truth, until we have learned to lie.
I love being an Aspie and I love hanging around Aspies.
So in the same way that it is really easy for me to see what that image is of, hanging out with other Aspies is really easy because they are just like me.
We all have special interests which we like to share with each other, we don’t socialize differently or communicate differently with other Aspies.
And if you are neurotypical, well, then we will have social and communications differences from you, and it will be harder to understand us, just the way the image might be hard for you to see, but not me.
Here is an easier version of the image:
Also you are obviously not dumb, your brain just works differently, so you may not see what the image is.
I did not until I was shown (it is not an Aspie versus neurotypical test), it is an image that we use to demonstrate learning differences. It is just a different way of seeing the world.
So what is the image of?
Me: I think it looks like a map, like the East coast of Canada actually, the Maritimes...
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