Monday, July 3, 2023

Slow Day.

It's been a past few slow days, hazy lazy days of summer, just the way I like it. It's been so humid with a humidex of 39 C and supposed to be like that all week. My mother finished her recent course of antibiotics yesterday as well and also her second week in the hospital( today starts day 15) and in total she was in 4 weeks(giving us a nice well-needed break) with only a 3 day break at home in-between and I'm getting nervous now fearing they might be going to discharge her soon as there's no medical reason anymore to really keep her there; just that she's bedridden and needs care but needs LTC rather than a  hospital which is for sick people, and I'm hoping that she just gets transferred from the hospital directly to LTC and doesn't come back home again but I fear she will in-between and I can't handle that again and I get all stressed-out  just thinking about it. I also prayed to God yesterday asking Him to send me that bright cardinal again as a sign if everything will be ok and just minutes later it landed in a tree in front of me so I sure hope so because I can't go back to the way it was before.

They also got a bad tornado in Alberta the other day as well but thankfully NOT near the Edmonton Boys, thank God, and just to f*ck with the squirrels I also bury my roaches in dirt in a planter outside on the back porch and they can sense freshly-dug soil and excidely dig it up hoping to find nuts or bulbs and are pissed-off just to find joint butts but that's what the little f*ckers GET for killing all my sunflowers last year, and I still have the baaaad heartburn that feels like a white-hot charcoal burning thru my sternum right thru to the other side...unless, of course, it's actually not  indigestion  afterall and is a heart-attack looming or an aortic dissection or aneurysm, and on the cruises I always felt like an unwashed peasant next to all the millionaries as well but I bet that I enjoyed myself more than they did though because for me it was opulent and amazing but nothing special for them, and France seems on the brink of revolution  protesting and rioting over a cop killing a teen,too, but at least there they care; here cops abuse and kill citizens all the time,too, but  no one even gives a shit.

I had the photo album spread out on my bedroom floor It's hard to say it, time to say it Goodbye, goodbye.-Nickelback


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