Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Ugly Lives Matter.

I got this from Quora and I can so relate perfectly. Life is unkind to the ugly.


I think this is a very good question indeed. It is very easy to tell if other people (of the opposite sex) age ugly: it takes me approximately 5 seconds. But it took me some 30 years to fully accept that I'm ugly, counting from my tenth when I first got interested in women.

The thing is that being ugly is a kind of death sentence, because it will mean you won't find love in your life; you won't find a partner you find attractive. It means you'll be missing out on the essence of life. The youthful me wanted to believe that over the years I'd meet someone who would think I'm handsome enough for love. But after 30 years of being ignored by women I understand that hapiness won't be for me. Nowadays, thinking about women and love immediately triggers thoughts of suicide.

Life sucks for ugly people.


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