Check out these 2 photos of Vladimir Putin, taken some 20-something years apart. The first when he was KGB boss and the second more recently. It doesn't even look like the same guy! What happened? You might just say age, time, or that he even had some "work" done on his face, like fillers like Botox (some guys get it,too, the vain ones)or something to smooth out lines and make the face a bit fuller, or maybe he's on steroids like Prednisone that give you a puffy face, but still, none of those would change your entire face and make you look like an entirely different person! The main thing is I noticed are his eyes look completely different, the one thing that always stays consistant thru life and doesn't change, even with age. In the first photo his eyes are not only bigger and wider and have heavier eyelids but also farther apart and in the second photo they are much smaller, "squinty" and closer together, and as well as that, the nose is also different, even his head shape is also completely different as well, having a longer face in the first photo and a rounder one in the second, something even surgery can't alter What's going on? If you ask me, I don't even think it's the same guy. I know it sounds crazy, but I really wonder if they did the old switcharoo; if maybe the original Putin died or something and this is an imposter; a guy that looks similar to him that just took over and played the part.
The eyes give it away. You can always tell by the eyes, which are mirrors to the soul.
Putin has also always been one of my fave. leaders,too, standing up to the West and all its crap and boycotts and sanctions and NOT being "Woke" and Politically correct like they are, although I do have to admit that the invading Ukraine thing took me by surprise and was disappointing but other than that I've always admired him.
Slava Rodina!
Slava Rossiya!
I also wish that they still sold these; bath oil beads! I love those things and had them( mostly around Christmas time and they made for great stocking stuffers!) in the 70's and 80's but you can't find them now. I still have 6 or so left that I've had for years that are all hard now instead of squishy and gel but when you toss them into the hot bath water they still dissolve. It's also sort of sad to realize that this will most likely be the last Christmas for both Buddy and I ,too, and I also wonder why Israel( who is now finally losing UN and world support for it's killing innocent people in Gaza) can't just flood the underground Hamas tunnels instead of waging a relentless war on Gaza and killing innocent Palestinians, and last night I had a vivid dream as well I got the impression was my Next Life/incarnation: I had beautiful long curly red hair(and wasn't ugly like I am now!) and trapped somewhere and one of the rescue crew I thought was a hunk and after he rescued me said, I'd like to see you again, under better circumstances and his workmates were waiting for him and kept calling for him to hurry up and one said to another,I think he's trying to get that girl's number! and we eventually got married and had 2 kids! It was a nice dream but happy endings like that only happen to me in dreams.Below is also a photo I took yesterday at my fave. time of day, as the sun set.
Life is a slow suicide.-Shiv Kumar Batalvi
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