Thursday, June 20, 2024

Big-Ass Burrito.

Check out this big-ass burrito I had last night! It looks like a big 'ol baked potato but I can assure you it's an over-stuffed burrito, a Tequila Lime chicken burrito to be exact, a nice spicy one, and with everything too(and extra cilantro!) except for onions, olives, guacamole,and radish which are disgusting and gross me out. I normally can't have any beans with my colon issues but I've already had cramps and diarrhrea for a few days now anyway so I figured what could it hurt so I got to enjoy it anyway. It was so big too I even saved half for  my lunch today. Some dingus also somehow dropped the toilet paper roll into the toilet and it got all wet and now it dried all hard and crunchy but we still have to use it because we can't afford to throw things out and waste $$$ and the LCBO (alcohol store) employees are also all set to go on strike but I couldn't care less though because I've never even been to one of their stores even once in my lifetime. I also keep begging my hubby to invest in NVIDIA( the ones that make all the chips and are leaders in AI) because that's where the $$$ is and in 10 years or so investors will be filthy rich like the Apple investors were.He's hesitant ever since he lost 20K years ago with his Nortel stocks but if he misses out he'll kick himself but if he invests he'll likely retire a millionaire ...

Look what else I got: sunflowers, the first of the season, and 4 of them for only 10$ too instead of just 3 for 35$ like before( although it also came with a vase,too) so maybe that was why I didn't get the others before? God was just making me wait to lead me to something better? The 29 YR old also said that Black people tend to be lactose intolerant (like I am) so maybe I really am Black afterall, not just on the inside and I also wonder what my Babushka would think of me loving Jamaica so much and feeling that's my spiritual home and connecting so much with the people and culture as she always used to complain about all the dirty Jamaicans in Toronto and now her own granddaughter loves them so much(ha,ha)  so I guess now I'm a Dirty Jamaican ,too,and I still laugh remembering Dedushka too saying how he never ate corn on the cob, saying it's "cattle food" and something you feed to livestock.HA! Yesterday was also the hottest day so far: 34 C with a humidex of 44 C and now I'm off the diuretics my edema is back worse, esp. my left leg and at the ankle it's so swollen I look like the Elephant Man.I also think it's unfortunate too that God put my Empath and healing spirit into an autistic and bipolar(and possibly borderline as well) body as it makes for a very complicated life. I would also describe my religion and spiritual life as a combination of following both Mosaic and Nazarite laws and believe Jesus was a chosen Prophet of God,too, and the Messiah but not actually God Himself or his son.

I also got more pre-rolls and it makes me laugh how the delivery guy looks like Shaggy from Scooby Doo, and I heard a radio ad for a horticulture class and they say they provide all supplies incl. safety gear and I thought what the hell safety gear do you need for horticulture? that's like gardening, so what danger is there in planting that you need safety gear,anyway, it's not like you're working on a roof or something,and yesterday I also saw the most blatant, flashy, tacky show-off-y display of wealth too: someone was sitting down and always made sure they had their feet turned side-ways so that you could clearly see their red soles displayed to make sure that everyone knew they were wearing expensive designer Christian Louboutin shoes, and my theory now about the "missing" Kate Middleton for 6 months and now she suddenly shows up(and with a new scar above her eye) is she had a face-lift but had complications( remember there was an ambulance at her house in December) but they didn't want to embarrass her so they just said she had cancer instead(even though that's an insult to people that actually DO have cancer) and now she's healed she's back. Either that or domestic violence or self-harm or a suicide attempt.Either way, they were obviously covering something up.

I've had to let go of a lot to move forward in my life. It's not easy but the alternative is impossible.- Mel Rich


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Weekend Words.

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