Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Slow Day.

It's a slow day today, or at least so far, but we're getting our new dishwasher sometime today and I also hope to finally get some poutine later, for my snack and I saw this nice skirt online I love, Last night when I put Buddy out for his bedtime bathroom break I also saw a raccoon out on our back porch even though it hadn't even got dark yet (they don't normally come out until it gets dark but maybe it was a retarded one?)but when I opened the door it took off but I still saw its fat ass and ringed tail as it jumped clumsily over the fence and this morning my indigestion started at 6 am too which was weird since I last ate something 11 hours ago and I could even taste the stomach acid in my mouth,too! Yuck!!  It also feels like a big lump stuck in my throat again.Schools end this week as well and I can still remember June in my final year of highschool(grade 12) and how exciting it was knowing that the end was near, that it was almost over and soon I'd be free and be emancipated and never have to come back to that place ever again(even though I did end up going to college 1-2 years later; I just needed a break) and that's sort of how I feel now,too, at the end of my life and almost free, eager to get to the Other Side.
Every end is also a new beginning.

I also found this online and it cracked me up so much I just laughed my ass off,  and the 29 YR old got a  high-end Swiss watch that actually was made and came from Switzerland and it's just sooo cool but it does make me wonder though where he gets all the $$$ for expensive stuff like that and if he and his boss have some sort of side hustle or racket going on, and everyone keeps talking about the hockey finals as well but I couldn't care less; I don't even know( or care) who won or who was even playing and who wins some stupid hockey game is at the very bottom  of my Things I Give A Shit About list, and my mother has a friend at the LTC home named Auld as well, you know, like that New Year's Eve song Auld Lange Syne, and Auld sounds like "old" and Auld is old,too; he's in his 80's. I also like to joke that he's her BF, just for fun, ha.

Lonely rivers flow To the sea, to the sea To the open arms of the sea, yeah Lonely rivers sigh "Wait for me, wait for me" I'll be coming home, wait for me.-The Righteous Brothers


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