Saturday, July 20, 2024


Yesterday I was going to post with the title Boyds (Birds with a New York-style accent....get it?) posting a video I took of all the birds singing in our yard....except I had already deleted it off my iPod  and I thought I still had it on my computer but apparantly not( duh) and even though I still had it up on my Facebook page I have no idea how to get it onto here. oh,well. Being stupid is hard.Yesterday alot of Internet and computers were also down due to a global breakdown and it affected airlines, banks, credit card companies, hospitals, etc. pretty much affecting anything to do with business( a good reminder that we rely waaay too much on tech and need another back-up!) so my poor hubby was busy at work because one of his main jobs is to fix computer servers that are down, and I was originally planning on ordering my weed yesterday as well but for some reason I decided to do it on Monday instead which is good I did because with everything down yesterday I wouldn't have been able to!

I also took these photos yesterday which you can clearly see the lump on my right thigh; the one on top so you can compare with the one on the left and see there isn't one there and the one below to get a closer look) and for the past week I've also picked up my hubby's house chore (as well as still doing my own)and been doing it for him as he recovers from his knee surgery but I'm done now because in doing so I also put my own back out even worse and he never even bothered to thank me either or even acknowledge it but I never said anything because knowing him he'd probably just say some asshole thing like You should be doing more to help out anyway! We also have dozens and dozens of flies in the house and yesterday I killed easily over 30 of them;I have this skill where I can swat them with just my bare hands and I don't know where they all came from because when I'm outside I always close the door so the flies DON'T come inside and that's the only thing I don't like about summer,too: all the bugs and in this shithole we get lots; mostly flies, black flies, mosquitoes,ants, and wasps.

I also read an account of a guy that had an NDE and he said on the Other Side there's alot of math and everything is "mathematically based"....oh, Dear God, NO!!!!! I don't want to have to do math ever again and NOT  in Heaven,too! I hate math; it's the bane of my existance and for me that would be like hell!!Another good thing about my dreads too is being so pouffy and thick if I ever faint or fall backwards again I won't hit my head as bad and get a head injury as they'll "cushion" the fall and will be like landing on a pillow,ha,ha, and the 29 YR old passed his driver's test yesterday as well and got a perfect score too which is good as I heard alot of people don't even pass the first time and he said one girl there was on her 5th try! He now has to be added to my hubby's insurance and re-take the test again in 12 months. Funny as well: there's this car race in Toronto and they had to close the roads to cars for it which seems kind of ironic and made me laugh,and every time I look at Buddy my heart just melts and I smile and think I just love him sooooo much!!! and I heard Trump accidently wore his little gauze patch on the wrong ear,too, and had to switch it, convincing me even more that it's all just for "show" and his "disciples" are now sporting gauze on their ears now,too; it's like a cult  following, and if an AR really was that close to his ear it would have been a deafening blast as well that would have affected his hearing....not to mention blown his ear off....

I also saw this in the bathroom, the 29 YR old's new soap and it gave me a laugh, and I figure the difference between when rich and poor people steal(for the most part,anyway) is poor people usually do it out of necessity(eg. stealing food) but rich people out of entitlement; they want something and feel entitled to it so they just take it, and I heard one of the guys in the Israeli gov't is soooo radical Right-wing  hard line extremist as well that even the army refused to let him join( and this is a country where ALL citizens have to enlist; male and female!) he was even too radical as a teen, and I don't think it was necessarily that we were "bad" parents either why the kids ended up f*cked-up but possibly just traumatized  due to all the traumas and stressful situations  in our lives, such as the fire, having to flee an enemy and living in fear and in hiding all those years( there was even a period where they couldn't use their real names and every time there was a knock on the door they'd hide under the table) always having to look over our shoulder, when the now 26 YR old had leukemia when he was 7, his and the 21 YR olds mental health issues as teens, etc. there's no question that going thru all that both as a family and as individuals and as kids growing up would have an adverse effect...

You see, the real you resides inside that jacket you call your body, and once your body gives up, the real you comes up, finally free, and starts to leave for other realms.-Samuel Wilson


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