Sunday, July 21, 2024

Golden Boy.

The 29 YR old said the funniest thing the other day: He said that parents each have one  "Golden Egg" and "Golden Sperm" and with us when they united in conception it was when he was created and he was the "Golden" child(ha,ha) and he also doesn't date women over 30 either because they "only have one shrivelled-up egg left" and when I told him that was ridiculous(although female fertility DOES decline after 30 and sharply after 35) and reminded him that I still had the 17 YR old when I was 40 he retorted, Look how he turned out! and I replied, Really smart? and he goes, ...and autistic as f*ck! and I reminded him ALL the kids are, to one degree or another; it's genetic! I'm also heartbroken as well one of the babies on my prayer list( age 5-6 months) died yesterday; he had heart & kidney issues and spent his entire short life in the hospital and never did ever get to go home with his family and all he knew was a life of  pain and suffering with surgeries, blood draws, catheters, needles,endless tests and procedures, being poked and prodded, etc, and for what? It was all just for nothing because he just ended up dying after all that in the end anyway. I really struggle to understand why shit like this happens and why God allows it.Why did  him and his parents have to endure all that?

Yesterday and today my abdomen and back also really hurt and today my stomach as well and so bad it feels like I'm being kicked by a horse  and it hurts even more every time I cough,too,and I'm nauseous with the pain and I 'm also dizzy and the left side of my head in-between the temple and above my ear hurts again as well, and I heard what sounded like loud explosions at night I thought we were being bombed,too, but it was just fireworks for some festival, and one of my cousins is in Edinburgh as well and I loved it; it's such a beautiful old city but he lives in Europe though so it's much easier for him to go there( or anywhere) and much closer than it was for me.

I also saw this and it made me smile and brought back happy memories; both my BFF and I had these exact ones when we were 12 and wore them every day all summer and so much they got all worn out and had "grooves" in them we wore them out so much, and my hubby surprised me as well asking if it was sour cream & onion chips I like or dill pickle and you'd think after 36 years he'd know by now, and I've always loved sour cream & onion and it's only been my fave. ever since I was a kid and I've always hated pickles and always pluck them off my Big Mac, just like I've always hated berries my entire life yet for some reason my mother always seems to forget this; it's like they don't even really know me, The 17 YR old also comes back from camping later today and while he was away I also did his recycling for him and it seems that it's always me somehow that  everything seems to end up falling on, and I'm convinced more and more too that Trump faked and staged his own "assassination" attempt  for sympathy, popularity and to get out of jail and I think his ear was either just cut by shards of glass( and not a bullet) or it was just a "squib" and a fake blood packet.

  I still remember as well my cousin's hubby( the ones with the horses) when they bought their place also bought the 2 lots on both sides of them,too, not wanting neighbours not only so he could swim naked and not have nosey neighbours telling him he should cut his grass but also to ensure "No Pakis" live next to him and he's so racist! I mean, what kind of person says and does something like that,anyway? I don't think deep down that he's a very "nice" person, and when I sit out in my backyard it always stinks like raccoon piss and there's swarms of flies,too, but that's just summer in cottage country in this shithole.

Behind on life.


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