Saturday, August 17, 2024

F*ck My Computer!

HA! What do you know? It actually worked! We had this really baaad storm with cracking thunder and a power surge which killed my already piece-of-shit computer and my hubby had to put a new USB or whatever-the -f*ck -it's-called cable in and clean up the CPU and then it was ok but then the stupid monitor didn't work so he temporarily set me up with the laptop(and it feels so weird  typing on the keys,too) but I can only do basic stuff and don't have access to any of my stored/saved photos(I have literally thousands) which are all on my old computer and I also can't do my Lightshot and capture or save any new images so I don't have any photos/images.....
I had the idea(I still wanted to post more of my cousins' awesome safari trip, esp. the hippos,seen here) so I got the brilliant idea( unusual, I know) to just take a photo of HER photos up  on my computer using my iPod and then just upload it from that to the laptop and it actually worked!
Not too bad for a dummy, huh?

She also said sitting by the pool she saw 8 elephant go by which must be the most MAGNIFICIENT AND AMAZING THING ever happen in her life and another cousin(the one with the horses) also was asking details about the safari too like she's interested in going and she's been to almost as many countries as I have and I wish I could do a safari too except it cost more than I even have in my bank account now.
Anyhoo, just in case you don't hear from me in awhile you'll know why; my shit-less computer situation, that plus we also switch over to a new InterNet provider on Monday too and there might be a gap in-between where we don't have any connection.

How I feel in life: standing out there all alone, on my own, different than all the others, surrounded by beauty, yet separate from it.


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Pondering For Today.