Sunday, August 18, 2024

More Of The Same.

I got my computer back working again already! My hubby found a graphics card and now it's up and running again! Yay! He's a computer geek and as so he has boxes of computer shit just laying around the house all full of various parts; keyboards, motherboards, cables & wires, mice, monitors,various hardware and software etc. and he just happened to have the cable and graphics card I needed which is good since my piece-of-shit computer is so old you can't even find parts for it anymore. 
Sort of like me.
 He also has to install the new router tomorrow and we switch over to the new service provider and Tuesday I go to the CNE so I don't know the next time I'll be able to post. I also heard the "Ex" will have its usual weird & wacky foods this year again as well, incl. deep-fried pickle & Oreo, Butter Chicken corndogs. Wasabi ice cream,etc.
Yuck!!although the Butter chicken corndog doesn't sound bad.
My hubby also said the water leaking into the car before was from the A/C  leaking not the rain but what do I know,anyway? All I knew was that the carpet was always soaking wet and it was really gross and smelled musty.

More incredible photos of my cousins on safari and they said they also got to see Mount Kilamanjaro and today are heading to Mombassa. They were in Nairobi before.I just love the beautiful sunset below. My hubby's pickleball was also cancelled yesterday( and how do I even really know 3 times a week when he says he's going out to play pickleball if he really actually is or if he's going to see his mistress instead?) due to the storm( and Toronto got 78 mm of rain and got flooded again due to their concrete and old infrastructure with nowhere for the excessive water to run-off and  drain) and so he said we can go visit my mother  then since he was free, but never even thinking to consider my schedule or what I might be doing or that I might have plans, which I did; I was listening to my weeklty Flashback show on the radio and I told him he can't just suddenly "spring" stuff on me like that (and as an autistic I don't like sudden changes of plans either) and expect I'm free and also has to take into account what I'm doing too so I told him we'll go today like planned. It's NOT always about him and revolves around what he wants even though he thinks it does.

I also found my Tom Petty shirt finally; it was with the 17 YR old's stuff so I guess it somehow accidently got tossed into his bucket as all his shirts are black(which I find disturbing) and I only have the 2 black shirts so I guess it just got mixed-up but I was just so glad to see it again as I got it at the concert I saw him at years ago so it's a memento, and sometimes I think what my life would be like instead if I had ended up with that guy I really liked when I was younger too but then it probably wouldn't have been good,either, because he always criticized me,too, and was always trying to change me, saying things like You should "fix" yourself up, You should wear make-up, You should be more "feminine",etc. not being good enough and not liking me as I am and I think I'd just be better off  staying separate from other people and being alone, and Buddy is the only reason now I still even keep holding on and keep going because I don't want to leave him behind but once he's gone I'll have no reason to live anymore and nothing left and nothing else will matter anymore.

This is also the photo of Trudeau I'd mentioned I saw earlier where he looks really thin, gaunt, and sickly-looking, either from a drug addiction or a terminal illness.
I think the former.
Methinks he likes the Booger Sugar a bit too much.

How much human suffering can a body, mind and spirit take??-Sonya Jones


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Pondering For Today.