Tuesday, August 13, 2024

F*ck My Internet!

Sorry I'm so late posting this; our shitty Internet crashed mid-day Friday and we haven't had it for 4 1/2 days now and they said the new router is supposed to come today but yeah, I doubt it.We're also switching over to a new company starting on the 19th. F*ck this shit! I always said it was shitty but no one believed me...until now. I can only hook up temporarily for 10 min. or so using my hubby's phone so I don't know if this is even going to work but I had to check-in so you'd know I was still alive and you wouldn't think I killed myself or got shot in Toronto or trampled to death at the concert or anything like that, HA! The concert was awesome(and I will post more about that later) and I will likely have 2-3 new posts up when we have full service if and when we ever do.
I really missed doing this blog the most and it was the worst of not having any Internet. I really enjoy doing it every day and I love writing and I love telling my stories and it's therapeutic as well and I like to vent and to express myself and to keep everyone updated. The Internet is also my only link to the outside world and also the way I do my grocery list, keep track of all my appt's, get my music, do banking,watch the news, set reminders on the Google Home device, etc.the weather updates, etc. everything, so much is dependent on it it's sad really.
I'm just glad that I still have an old-fashioned radio and the iPod or I wouldn't even have had any music at all!

This is also the biiig bruise on my hubby's thigh(and it used to be much worse last week) he got when he slipped playing  pickleball and luckily he was out when we had that baaad wind on Saturday( it turned out there was a waterspout which is basically a tornado off the water; funnel clouds over Lake Ontario 10 minutes or so away from us and it knocked down this big tree limb off the neighbour next-door's tree at the front right in our driveway, easily 8 feet long( I'll see if I can get a photo up later) and it would have landed right on the car and crushed in the roof it had been parked there like usual! The poor car! The accident last year and then that,too? Insurance would never have believe it!It's one tough little Toyota! It's a beast!

Most people sleep but they don't really rest, because their minds are busy processing how to survive the next day-LadyLMabuzaThaanya


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