Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Rebel Yell.


I'm baccck after 4 1/2 days of no Internet and I'm doing a few posts in a row to make up for it as there's so much to cover! The concert on Friday was *awesome*  with Platinum Blonde and Billy Idol and I tried to take photos(seen here and lower below) but it turned out shitless. Oh, well. I had an amazing time and it was surreal and I had to pinch myself to make sure it was really happening and I wasn't dreaming but of course(with me) not without drama and incident,too.
Of course.
We left at 3 pm(concert started at 8pm and went until 11 pm.....but still didn't get home until after 2am and here's why....
On the way there we stopped off at the Oshawa mall so my hubby could get a game he wanted and I got bath-bombs at Lush and then we ate in the mall foodcourt and he decided he didn't want to drive into downtown Toronto( he hates more than anything) just to leave the car in a mall parking lot (not wanting to pay 45$ for parking)and take the subway to Union Station which is beside the concert venue but I told him not a good idea as when the mall closes at 9pm they'd know we're not there for the mall but as always never listens to anything I say. I enjoyed being back on the subway again reminding me of my childhood and youth and I knew when it was coming too before I even saw it come to thru the tunnel as I heard and remembered the tell-tale screech-ing sound. On the ride there my hubby was talking to a Fillipina lady and told her about the kids and said we have 5 boys and 6 girls, as they were at birth,not acknowledging the 28 YR' old's sex-change,and told her I was going to see Billy Joel(instead of Billy Idol....duh!!) and being there in the city and at an 80's concert I felt like I was a teen back in the 80's again and for a short time I felt like the Old Me again.

I thought I was going to die walking up all the subway stairs though, oh, my god, all the stairs, and there were more people at the concert (50-60 thousand) than there are in this entire town and it was funny too seeing all the old wrinkly ladies with their tattoos that once used to be Punk Rockers; it was like a biker convention with the biker mamas, and 2 people also said they liked my shirt and one lady liked my dreads, and we just got there on time too there was so much traffic I didn't even have time before to go pee or geta  drink( and the lines were 50-100 people long,too!) I just had time to find my seat and the lights went out and it started  but I did manage to buy a T-shirt outside the venue off a "fence" before the show for just 20$ ( inside they were 60$) and it wasn't until 10 pm I couldn't wait anymore I was dying of thirst so dehydrated and had to pee so badly(next time I'm wearing a diaper!) so I went and tried to get a drink but only had cash(not wanting to bring my credit card in case I got mugged)....
and they're cashless.
What the actual f*ck?
So there I was, stuck, desperate for a drink, and no way to get one, but a kind security gaurd took pity on me and got one for me, just telling them mine spilled and he got me a replacement. I was sjust soooo thankful and grateful to him for his kindness and he even refused payment.
Now I have some faith restored in humanity once again.
There still are some good people left out there.

This is also another of my yummy grain, lentils, chickpea, quinoa,tahina, hummus,and falafel lunch, and my new bath-bombs above, and then my hubby was playing chess at the university( the same one my mother and cousin went to) U of T and had a "feeling" and checked the parking at Yorkdale and I was right; cars get towed away at 9pm after mall hours so he had to move it....but then forgot where it was parked, even with GPS direction so spent 90 min. after the concert wandering all around ( mostly on the ritzy Bloor St. with the swanky shops like Prada, Gucci, Ives St. Laurent,Holt Renfrew,etc. are so we didn't have to worry about getting carjacked, mugged, shot, drive-bys,etc. at least and I just couldn't walk any more so I just sat on a bench(he was mad at me for) and told him to just come back and get me whenever he finds it and he eventually did but I was soooo jet-lagged tired when we finally got home.

Life is so much easier and alot less stressful when you just don't give a shit anymore.


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