Thursday, August 15, 2024

His Dudeness.

I have another new name for Buddy I called him yesterday: His Dudeness and here is the photo of the 17 YR old holding up that big tree branch that fell in our driveway the other day that normally would have come crashing down crushing the car roof but luckily my hubby had it out so it wasn't in the driveway. You can see here how big it really is as the 17 YR old is over 6 feet tall. I'm also glad I have this photo as it's hard for me to get photos of him as he always runs away and hides and unless I sneak up on him and ambush him I can never get photos of him. 2 of my European cousins are also on safari in Kenya(and they were just in Egypt a few months ago,too!) something I've also always wanted to do, esp. to see the hippos  but I don't have the $$$ for anymore so I asked them if they see any to take photos for me, and funny,too: my cousin went First Class but her hubby didn't want to pay the extra so he went Business Class so they ended up sitting seapartely, and maybe for me it would just end up being diappointing like Egypt was( or at least I try to keep telling myself that anyway to try and feel better) I'd always wanted to go to Egypt and I finally did but it ended up not what I thought or expected and ended up disappointed.

The 29 YR old's ex-GF in California also got married( shown here with her new hubby and parents) on the weekend  in a beautiful Eastern Orthodox service and I hope that she doesn't cheat on him like the 29 YR old said she did with him(and it broke his heart) and I've always sort of hoped that eventually they'd end up making their way back to eachother and end up back together in the end but maybe it's just not meant to be and maybe she wouldn't be good for him and God's protecting him, who knows? I also can't believe it's already the middle of August already and when I was a kid(and even a homeschooling mother) I always felt anxiety and dread at this time,too, nervous school went back soon but now I'm free and I also heard after 145 years the CNE might be closing and be in its last year this year as well due to those f*cking developers wanting to buy up the land on the historical site and build a hotel( even though Toronto has more than enough hotels!) but I hope NOT! It's also only supposed to be half the size it was last year too so if so I won't be there as long as usual. That's just really sad though.

I also love these sandals, and we have so many wasps in both the front and back now we got a hanging trap to catch them with cat food and pineapple juice as bait and they can go in but can't get out and so far we've trapped a few of them in there but it's nothing toxic if any other animals get to it like the squirrels or birds, etc,  and my hubby scoffed as well with all my failed suicide attempts that I "wasn't too committed" or "really serious" about it since it never worked even though I WAS; it just didn't work because I'm even a failure at that,too, just like with everything else in my life and nothing ever works or goes right for me, and he says I "should just jump off a bridge" except I can swim and with MY luck if it was a highway overpass I'd probably NOT die but just end up breaking every bone in my body and end up paralyzed or something. I also saw this guy post on Facebook he ate fried squirrel and I wasn't surprised then to see he's also a Trump supporter, an Army Vet, and lives in Texas; a complete redneck! He even said he hunted, gutted and prepared it himself,too, and even puts it on pizza!  HA! Why am I not surprised?I was thinking what if it had rabies or something?

And what ever happened to my plans What ever happened to life I thought I'd have.-The Watchmen


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Pondering For Today.