Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Our Shitty InterNet.

When I got up this morning the Internet was finally  back (the 17 YR old even had to go over to his friend's house before to mooch their Internet!)even though we still never did get the new router so it might just be temporary (until it goes off again?)or at least until we get the new one with the new company that starts on the 19th. Later yesterday I thought it was back too as I noticed my computer was working so I hopped on and got to work(I have shit to do) only to have my hubby walk by and "catch" me saying I was actually using his wireless from his work acc't that somehow automatically synched up to my computer and gave me InterNet and he raged at me how he's not supposed to use it for anything but work and it's monitored and he'll get in trouble I used it for "stupid things like Twitter and Facebook,etc" and he cut me off right away I didn't even have time to go back and edit my last blog post I'll have to do today. Ooops! I had no idea; I just saw it was back on and figured it was fixed and jumped at the chance.I keep asking him to send me the photo of the tree branch that fell in our driveway too but he said he "doesn't want to 'waste' his 'phone minutes' on that"...not on something just for me. Now the car is broken as well( everything we have is shit) as there's a leak somewhere as both the front driver's and passenger side on the floor where your feet go is always leaking and  sopping soaking wet with puddles  and smells musty so it's going in the shop on Friday I hope it doesn't take too long to fix or cost too much.
It's always something.

The concert was soooo amazing as well even though my hubby's friend's wife said Billy Idol "looked and sounded old". He IS old though but he can't help that; it happens to all of us, but I think he still sounded the same and I felt like I was a teen back in the 80's again although it was kind of gross though when he took his shirt off; it was hot when he was in his 20's but not so much now he's in his 60's. Dude, put your shirt back on! HA! He also played all my fave. songs too incl. my all-time fave! I can die happy now too I finally got to see Billy Idol and I could smell weed alot too but never smoked any there myself as with MY "luck" I'd get caught and get kicked out and Buddy really missed me too and the 29 YR old said he was waiting by the door for me all night and howling so he took him with him up to bed and cuddled him and all night once I got back he stayed glued pressed up next to me all night.! Awww, he's just sooo sweet and I love him soooo much!!He truly is the light in my life.

Next Tuesday I also go to the CNE, my yearly adventure I always look forward to, and I visited my mother Sunday as well and they have a Covid outbreak and cancelled all trips out and limit activities in the LTC to only 5 people now instead of the usual 20-50 so she's pissed-off and on the way home I saw a coyote as well and it looked really skinny, thin and sickly,  and the house that used to belong to the neighbour I called The Grass Picker (or G.P.for short) now belongs to someone else since she died but now the grass( she used to go out every day and  meticulously pick clovers and weeds out of, hence her name) is all full of weeds and brown stuff, etc. and I bet if she only knew she'd  be horrified and would be rolling over in her grave!😂

You always have to be one step ahead of them.


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