Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Another Good One!

Last night I finally got to see ELO live in concert! It was a long drive, a long night, I didn't get back home until 2 am and I'm sooooo exhausted( and sooooo many stairs at the subway AND the venue; I was on the third floor and not the main like last time!) but I had a good time! Here I am on my way there and this time we left an hour earlier (3 pm) than the last time where we just barely made it on time and a good thing too as we got there 30 minutes before which was just perfect. I was even able to snag a bootleg T-shirt for only 25$ outside the venue as well and inside they were 65$ and there's no way I'd pay 65$ just for a T-shirt! I also only bought a Diet Coke(and no food) because that alone cost over 7$ (rip-off) so I didn't even bother to check how much the food was. The lady showing us our seats also called me Mrs. Marley with mi dreads and Bob Marley shirt and I told my hubby I'm all ready to die now having seen the concert and wearing my Chuck Taylors and with mi dreads.The opening act was also supposed to be Honeymoon Suite too but I don't know what happened; instead it was some group from L.A.  called Rooney but luckily they were good  and I liked them and  they had a Tom Petty-style - sound so it worked out. It's not like they sucked or ended up some redneck country band or something, otherwise I just would have left and come back for the main act.

We also parked the car at the subway parking lot( which only cost 2$ instead of 40$ near the venue; biiiig difference!) and took it from Finch to Union station which still took 45 minutes yet still quicker than in traffic and normally on a subway you don't  have to worry about construction delays like you do on the road(like we did) only this time they were doing track work so we still did(just MY "luck") which is good(and why!) we left early, and I noticed as well on the subway of all the passengers there were only 6 or so white people and all the rest were either Indian or Chinese which is a sharp contrast from this Bumble-F*ck town here where 98% are all white.On the way back to get the car in the parking lot at night in the dark alone I also noticed a guy kept following us and it freaked me out and I was convinced he was either going to rob us or kill us or carjack us and my hubby would have to remember his karate or jiu-jitsu and I hoped his knee was up for it but luckily he was just going to get his car in the parking lot too but it sure had me worried there for awhile.

You can see the stage to the far left(here is the venue before it started, with the lights on) from where I sat; it was up high but also from the side view so I could still see them well( just from the side and not the front but still  recognized Jeff Lynne from his bushy "Poodle" hair!) as well as backstage and it was a good thing too because for some reason this time they didn't use the big screens and they had excellent lazers, lights, "Disco ball" effects,psychedilic lights, fog machines, etc. as well; it was amazing, and a full 9 person or so orchestra  as well as the usual also 2 cellos and a violin and it was sad as well from my vantage point I could also see( hidden for the most part from the audience) a small TelePrompTer in fromt of Jeff Lynne with the lyrics scrolling up and it made me sad to realize he's old and must forget the lyrics otherwise, but he IS in his 70's. They also played many of my faves. of theirs and there was this drunk lady off to the right of me( but no one beside me on either sides or behind or in front so I had lots of privacy and no one blocking my view) and she was so loud and staggered trying to get down the stairs and I thought the drunk old broad was going to fall down!

Here I am in my seat, and whenever people had to get by I had to stand up which was hard on my bad knee( yes, my right knee still hurts and I have no idea why but it's getting worse) and it would hurt and going up the stairs was torture for me as well not only for my breathing issues but now also my knee too(getting old really sucks!!) and most people there were my age or older too and I saw and heard them complaining about all the stairs too; My Lord! So many stairs! My God! I don't think I'm going to make it! All these stairs are going to kill me! etc.I was just praying if I did have a heart-attack and died at least not until after the concert so I don't miss it.

This is also how the tickets look now, on my hubby's cell phone. I miss the old days when you'd have a ticket stub and I'd keep them as momentos and souvenirs.😭As I was waiting in line to get in(and there were thousands of people and I was near the end but luckily they opened up another window so I got in near the front!YESSSSS!!! Thank you,God!) the ticket vanished from the phone and it shut off (and my hubby was already long gone, on a subway to his chess)and I panicked, not knowing HOW to get the stupid thing back as I have no idea how to work cell phones and electronics and tech are NOT  my friend so I had to frantically call my hubby and he had to talk me thru it and luckily I was finally able to find it, after much frustration and panic and freaking-out  but I was so scared and worried what if I couldn't get it back and they wouldn't let me in and I'd miss the concert? Oh, my God! 
Why can't things ever just go smoothly for me?
Holy shit!

Here's a couple of photos I tried to take but this is as close as you're going to get and my hubby played chess while I was at the concert but he said they didn't have any "worthy" players; just "patzers" and on the way home the windows kept fogging and steaming up for some reason and he kept putting the heat on and I was already all hot and sweaty from the stairs and the walking (and my hot-flashes ) to get to the car and I honestly thought I was going to pass out so I opened my window for blessed relief and the cold wind blasting thru just felt sooo good and exactly what I needed but he kept closing the window, the asshole, and we also finally found the source of the foul smell in the car as well; he thought it was the 17 YR old's running shoes he forgot in the back seat and I thought it must have been garbage or rotting food because it smelled like rotting yogurt....but it was a watermelon in the trunk someone forgot to bring in the house after shopping last week and it was all squishy fermenting and gross!

I was gone 11 hours and poor Buddy just gave up and fell asleep and I picked him up and brought him into bed with me where he stayed glued pressed up right next to me nuzzling all night( awww....he's just sooo sweet!) and I noticed yesterday as well on his bad hip he has some sort of growth now too and the skin and fur is coming off, and I was hoping to sleep in a bit today,too, but he had other ideas and still woke up at the usual time so I only got a few hours sleep and yesterday morning we also had the meeting at my mother's LTC home and someone thought my hubby and I were siblings( ewwww!!) and sad as well; her friend Auld died but at least he'd be with his wife who died last year and he really missed and it's not uncommon when men lose their wives to die within a year or later from loneliness and on the way there I also saw Marit Stiles, the NDP leader for Ontario who was at an event. All in all, an interesting day but now I think I'm going to sleep for a week to recover.
 I can no longer party like a rock star. 
I also saw a guy there who I swear looked like Alice Cooper; the exact same face, hair and even clothes style but I figure if it really WAS him he wouldn't be sitting all the way up in the third row; he'd have a front-row seat and a VIP backstage pass!

I had an inkling I was different, but I just did not care. It was normal to me. That’s how I survived.-Jude Mentz-Gibbons


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