Sunday, September 15, 2024

Moon Cakes.

These are moon cakes.
I asked my hubby to look for some and pick them up for me(Of course they never even HAD any here in this Bumble-F*ck town!)...

...and this is what he came back with!
I can't say I was really surprised though because this is also a guy that didn't know what an Easter Lily was and brought back a daffodil instead. HA! He then told me to check my e-mail where he had sent me simply, Ha, ha! so it this time it was just a joke he'd set up ahead of time and I have to admit it was a pretty good one, although I still never got my moon cakes. Yesterday the 17 YR old also had a sleep-over at his friend's(I'm surprised guys DO that; I thought it was just a girl thing) and my hubby and the 29 YR old went to see that stupid Beetlejuice sequel. I was only stupid enough to see the original back in the 80's because I didn't know  at the time it was stupid until I watched it but now I know I'm NOT stupid enough to watch the sequel. My hubby also said he saw a skunk in our driveway the other night by the trailer, and I also finally figured out why my allergies have been worse lately as well as itchy stinging, burning, watery eyes: the wildfire smoke! The sore on my ass still really hurts,too, even though it's been almost a week, making me wonder if it's maybe even infected but being way down under the bottom of the ass it's in a spot I can't see.

I also got banned on Facebook yesterday again too for posting this(just in case you didn't know Van Halen had a song called Jump); they said it violated their terms against suicide and self-harm, and I don't know anyone more suicidal than me but even I think it's's just a JOKE....geeez....I also visited my mother and they wanted everyone to wear a mask too and of course my ever-obedient hubby did when he came to pick me up but I didn't; he always sticks to the rules but me not so much,I'm a rebel, ha,ha, and she said they want them all at the LTC home to fill out a survey so they can get to know them better, incl. their  most memorable and fave. memories and life lessons,etc. and she said hers were when she was 3 and her grandfather died sitting at the breakfast table and just sort of slumped over in his chair and his tea cup fell over and everyone scurried around and she was quickly sent off to the neighbour's, and stepping in  the Jordan River,(I was surprised how small it was,too, more like a creek!) and seeing the Sistine Chapel (which was also smaller than I'd expected)and walking the way Jesus did on the way to His Crucifixion,(where I got so hot I almost passed-out) and that her lesson was her bad marriage and how she learned to never trust anyone again(I learned that much earlier, at age 4) and never wanted to get married again, and she also thinks my hubby has a mistress,too, saying there's no way any guy would go 17 YRS and NOT do IT so he must be getting it somewhere and I wonder how that changes her perception of him,too; I bet now she doesn't think he's such a "great" guy anymore  now he cheated on her daughter ( that would be me)too, just like how her husband( my father) did to her and how that's a particularly sore spot and sensitive subject for her...

I also love this grey dress for fall( and I can't believe it's already the middle  of September already and kids have been back to school for 2 weeks now!) but I'd have to make sure if I got it that it would still be loose though and not too tight for my fat ass, and my hubby also found out my friend M from the old church died( she was 78) and my hubby said his friend at work rented a Lamborghini for his wife's birthday,too, and they had to put down a 10 K deposit on his credit card (and I don't even have that much in my bank account !)and I bet they were really paranoid driving it,too, worried about accidents or carjackings,, and I heard there was an event called Touch A Truck which made me laugh as it sounds almost obscene, and I heard Phil Collins now due to old age( he's in his 70's) and medical issues can no longer sing or play drums or even hold a drumstick anymore and it's just so sad and he's supposed to be a nasty grumpy old man in real life,too, but I guess if you've lost being able to do what you love and what defines you that you'd be grumpy,too!

Now NATO is also seriously considering sending Ukraine long-range missles to fire deep into Russian territory for their ongoing war which is a very, very, very bad idea as it will provoke a war between them and Russia and  possibly even start WWIII. It's just NOT worth it. Don't poke the Bear! TIFF also was "forced" to cancel the film Russians At War because pro-Ukraine protesters made a fuss saying it was "Pro-Russian propaganda" even though it was actually anti-war, and I notice as well how French and Italian are often similar, eg: merde and merda, porte and porta, quand and quandro, monde and mondo, bonjour and buon giorno, etc. and I miss my youth,too, esp. being carefree, happy, thin,having friends, not worrying about $$$, not having regrets,not having everything crack and hurt all the time,and having a future with hope and something to look forward to, and Kim Mitchell has a song "Ain't LifeAmazing" but not for me it isn't.
For me it's cruel, harsh, unfair, and unforgiving.

Effectively, for my entire life, i was wearing tinted glasses; I saw the world differently, I interacted differently, but I didn’t understand it was different.-Brian .M. Kolins


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