Friday, January 12, 2024

Hiding Autism.

I got this from Quora( of course; where else?) and it's so true:

Like most of the time, we have to spend our entire lives hiding our traits and trying to fit in, even though the odds of appearing "non-autistic" are against us. In my life it was.

Neither from my family nor from the hospital I recived healp when I asked for and why. They thought I was incapable of dealing with a very disobedient son and that I deserved it. Telling them I'm autistic and I just found out was like mmm, is she on drugs? If not she is a hypochondriac...Because autistic in their vision is a little girl who screams, doesn't know how to speak or eat.

Many people, when they find themselves in an identity crisis, problems integrating into society, disappointments of all kinds, go to church, if they have money, to a psychologist, and gain the confidence to skip them. Autistic people cannot benefit. The church personel don't want to be questoned and psychologists call them narcissists, borderline, etc.

So we hide.


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