Monday, September 16, 2024

Today's Thought.


The Duplex.

Here is the house at the corner for sale and I was surprised to find out it's actually a duplex, so that means divided into 2 separate houses rented out for 2 families to live in (explaining how the methheads can afford it)so it must be pretty small considering it only HAS  2 floors,3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, and get this....they're asking 479K for it,too, and it doesn't even have central A/C,either and it's half the size of our house,(and their property taxes are 2K annually; ours are 4 K) and yet when a realestate agent quoted ours it was only for 250K so something definitely isn't right here; either ours was waaay under-priced or else this is over-priced and ours is 3 floors too, has 7 bedrooms, 3 bathrroms and a 20X40  in-ground pool! It's still nice and summer-y and today going to 27 C like yesterday with a humidex of 34 C( summer's last hurrah!) and supposed to be around 23 C/ 24 C all week,too(yay!) so fall can suck it! Stay in your lane and wait your turn,asshole! I also always hear the neighbour every day coming home from work every morning on his motorcycle at 7 am and leaving at 9 pm, right like clockwork, so if anyone ever wanted to assassinate him it wouldn't be hard to find his routine/schedule and find him.HA!

These are also photos of the house I got on the realestate website and there's just no way that anyone's house is that clean and tidy and uncluttered so you know it's been professionally cleaned and staged for the photos and it's so dull and unappealing,too, all white,and it's also sad that they got rid of the old-fashioned clawfoot bathtub they used to have before,.too.Any other dog I also get after Buddy will be a step down, settling for less, for second-best, but at the same time I'll still need a furry friend to heal and fill my heart,too, and yesterday a really big dragonfly( the size of my hand!) landed on me, reminding me of that Lenny Kravitz song Fly Away: ...I wish that I could fly into the sky so very high, just like a dragonfly...

I also saw a fly struggling in the trap in the pineapple juice for a good 30 minutes or so before it finally succumbed and drowned and it put up a good fight though I must say I was impressed and the will to survive is strong in all living things and watching it struggle reminded me of myself too, struggling in life, and I used to think that Moody Blues song Nights In White Satin was KNIGHTS In White Satin,too; that the King's knights played dress-up in women's white satin lingerie(ha,ha)  and I heard that statistically most heart-attacks occur in the morning as well which is considerate and convenient  and works out well because that way it gives people more time to get things all arranged before everyone closes up for the end of the business day.

My hubby said he doesn't know if I can visit my mother next week as he's on call to work and although he did find someone to cover for him in the morning so he can play his precious pickleball( God forbid he should miss that!) he hasn't got anyone for the afternoon, and with her recalling her most memorable memories it also got me thinking about mine,too, and mine incl. that time as a kid I was so excited to go to the "Ex" I forgot to put my underwear on, and when I was 7 or 8 and I missed a landing on a jump skating and fell and cut my tongue top to bottom and had it stitched up and back in the 70's it wasn't "humane" like it is today and they didn't allow parents to stay to comfort their sick/hurt and scared kids and they ripped me from my mother's arms( she said she could hear me screaming all the way down the hall) and held me down and stitched it and I don't even remember if they "froze" it first or not, just how scared I was and she said when I came back I just clung to her and she could feel my heart thumping away it was beating so fast.

 I also remember sticking my tongue on a frigid metal fence in winter and it stuck,  and how one of my lawyers in Ottawa made me feel like he thought I was guilty and charged me 10K just for simple preliminary work and even how when I just ran into him downtown one day and talked to him he billed me for that,too,but also happy memories,too, such as summers and Christmases visiting relatives, and camp, the YMCA group I felt I belonged and made great friends,and of course my travels all over the world and the most fascinating thing I've ever seen was the Alps, and the best thing that ever happened to me was getting Buddy who is the heatbeat of my soul and my soulmate.

Compliance has a high price.-Philip


Musings For Monday.

You know who you are.

That's an insult to the worthless sack of shit!

Not *some* days. EVERY day.

...and an old pothead,too!😜

Enough already! When will she finally just go away?

So maybe I'm really NOT so "bad" afterall?

...and a hole,too!😂

...and with my bare ass up in the air so people can kiss it!

The right vibe come from Rasta.-Bob Marley


Today's Thought.