Monday, September 9, 2024

Killer Of Joy.

Yesterday I noticed that some asshole( someone in the house, and I suspect the 29 YR old given his past history of plucking the leaves off my plants) plucked the heads off 4 of my coloured daisies, the green ones, and I know for sure because just the day before I had taken a photo and there were 4-5 green blooms and then the next day only one left plus 4 empty stems so the evidence was clear and they're on the coffee table right next to where he sits on the couch, so I asked him as well as the 17 YR old and my hubby and the 17 YR old clearly seemed unaware but the 29 YR old kept trying to "deflect" it  and blame others by saying it was the 17 YR old or maybe the mice( even though the mice can't get up that high onto the table and I've never seen any mice turds there) and that I'm "easy to trick" ,implying that I'm dumb, etc. so all things considered even though he denied it( but he does lie though,too) I'm pretty sure it WAS him.
It was hurtful though and a mean asshole thing to do. I really like my flowers and to pluck them and damage them like that really hurt my heart. The saddest thing too once I die is there won't be any more flowers in the house anymore although I doubt those assholes would even care.
They live to kill my joy.
Sometimes I can really hate my kids.

Tonight I see ELO in concert as well and the good thing is the 29 YR old's off work today so Buddy won't be alone he'll have some company and hopefully as well he'll remember to let him out to go to the bathroom,too, and not have to wait until I get back home at 1 am or so like last time,and like last time we'll park the car somewhere and take the subway the rest of the way and I've always liked the subway too and it's always been my fave. of public transportation and I like sitting backwards(my mother always hated that) and I can still hear my mother's voice ringing in the back of my head from when I was little as well, to always make sure I stand with my back right against the wall and never stand too close to the platform in case someone tries to push me onto the tracks.I also hope my hubby doesn't forget where he parked the car like he did last time,either, and I wonder if he's maybe getting dementia or something,too, as the past 3 times or so he's even gotten lost with the GPS.

I got another memory coming back as well: when my mother worked in Palliative care at the hospital in Ottawa one of her co-workers was a Hijabi Muslim and a co-worker mocked her saying she was "all ready for Hallowe'en" and she reported her to HR and she was disciplined and she eventually left and went back to whatever country(It might have been Kuwait, I'm not sure)  she came from ,tired of all the hate and racism here in this shithole, and what "gets" me too is the pro-choice yahoos try to de-humanize the pre-born baby by referring to it as a "fetus" as well not knowing that in Latin the very word "fetus" means "young one" so it actually disproves their argument, and trans men are like eunuchs,too; they look like men on the outside but are missing the "wedding tackle" and for awhile now I have this weird sore on the left side of my face as well that's red and raw and won't heal I wonder is a carcinoma? I also saw on TV someone called someone else a "GOAT" and I said, Why did he call him a "goat?" That's not a very nice thing to say! and my hubby laughed and said it means "Greatest Of All-Time". Oh, OK, I thought he was calling him a farm animal, like a pig or a cow! HA!

I had to relearn God.-Dawn Greer


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