Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Today's Truth.


Ich Bin Ein Untermensch.

Now the "Underground" chatter is that "Isolation Centres" (AKA Internment Camps) are being built by the gov't to separate, isolate and segregate segments of the population, whether it be those with COVID, or more likely, the unvaccinated, now the modern-day lepers and outcasts in society, like sending dissidents off to the "re-education" camps or the gulag, or people the Nazis deemed "less-than" human to Concentration Camps, and eerily similar to what this country already did do sending Japanese-Canadians off to Internment Camps( after seizing all their property and assets!) during WWII. What shocks and surprises me isn't as much that the gov't has become so tyrannical and totalitarian as much, but how easily people have just accepted it and allowed the lockdowns, restrictions, curfews,mandates, their freedoms so easily taken away,and segregation, exclusion,division,etc. among themselves, and even forced medical procedures(vaccines) upon themselves and others, and "Show me your papers!"( vaccine passports) etc. without any fight, and my hubby said vaccine passports aren't anything "new" and I told him, Yeah, the Gestapo required papers to be shown in Nazi Germany,too! I refuse to live under tyranny and oppression though and due to forbidding non-vaxxed from going anywhere or doing anything or travelling I'll have to stay in my house forever and I'll die first  before I'd ever  take the Mark Of The Beast!! No free democracy requires citizens to show ID or any other kinds of "papers" in order to be able to move about in their own country; you should be able to travel freely unharrassed, and no one should be permitted entry or services based on any sort of "status".

 Remember that's how persecution of Jews started  in Nazi Germany? First the "No Jews" signs started popping up; they were not welcome in shops or busineeses and then no one would hire Jews and then they  had to wear the yellow star to visibly identify them publically and neighbours were encouraged to  inform on them and their location to the authorities as if they were outlaws, and then they started going from house to house and rounding them up and arresting them and sent them off to to the gas chambers. It's a process, it starts slowly  and develops over time, so people adjust and don't really "see" what's happening right in front of their very eyes and the same thing  is happening now. That's how tyranny, oppression and division works. Now we're at the stage where fear-mongering has "conditioned" society into being meek fearful obedient Sheeple  that obey and conform and look up to the Nanny State thinking they know what's "best" for them as they in actuality lead them off to slaughter, taking away their rights and freedoms convincing them it's "for their safety", and dividing society into vax VS non-vax and treating the one group inferior and taking away their rights encouraging the other group to join in and to see nothing wrong with it, no different than how the Nazis "conditioned" German society to not see anything wrong with singling-out and targeting Jews.

Chocolate cheesecake always makes everything better as well, and my mother also asked my hubby to pick up a brisket for Sunday dinner but he had no idea what a brisket even was and for someone so smart sometimes he can be really stupid  and he thinks that I'm  the dumb one, and he ate fish the other day,too,and it stunk up the entire house and made me feel feel sick, and I reminded him that he always complains about how gross my weed stinks but that I'm NOT the only  one with "stinky" stuff( he also complains my spicy ethnic food "stink",too) and that his stinky stuff( incl. when he puts vinegar on his fries and it reeks like stinky feet!) grosses me out,too, and I have this new Sativa strain called Apple Pie too but it doesn't taste or smell like apple though, just like weed! My hubby was also watching Dr. Chess on the computer and it reminded me of Dr.Kush in Jamaica, only he sold ganja on the beach and he even wore a white lab coat for effect, and today doing laundry the orange towel( one of my faves ones!) all of a sudden showed up, after missing for weeks(I really missed it!) so maybe it was away on summer vacation, and when I got up during the night to pee I could hear the mice rustling around in the bathroom garbage can,and the other day my mother poured out a box of cereal she had taken from the kitchen cupboard into her bowl and mice turds came out; no cereal, the mice had eaten it all, just the mice turds! Ewwwww! That's just soooo gross!!

Yesterday poor Buddy was really limping badly and could hardly walk and didn't even want to do for his walk and just quickly peed outside and came right back in and for the past few days my back pain is really bad,the worst it's ever been, a good 7-8 on the pain scale (so bad I bite my bottom lip)and it feels like my spine is going to snap in half or like an elephant is standing on it or something, plus also really bad abdomenal and stomach pain,too,and pain in my liver and right kidney and I wish I would just hurry up and die  already so I wouldn't always be in so much pain every day, and my mother's notorious for NOT putting things back after she uses it ( eg. TV remote, pens, etc.) and I told her, How hard is it to return something after you use it? It's the first thing they teach you in Kindergarten; if you use something, put it back. and then she tells me that she never went to Kindergarten; just straight to grade 1, and I blurted out(it just came out)...and it shows! and she goes, sarcastically, You're so "nice" to people! but I'm just blunt (that's the way God rolled me); I just say it the way it is, it's part of my autism, I guess.

I also had this dream I was back with one of my grade 8 bullies again and she was up to her usual and  I told her I was going to the Principal and she sneered, You never learn, do you? and I told her, .....and I'm also going to the police,too,and it's actually you that never learns; you can't go around bullying people and hurting people like that! We also had this big storm but luckily my sunflowers are ok, they weathered the storm; they're survivors like I am, and sitting outside in the sun reminds me of when I was 19, and I sat out on my front porch in the sun, long hair down to my waist, my black Chihuahua Yuri  by my side, reading Chekhov, and how it really doesn't seem that long ago, almost like yesterday, but it was 35 YRS ago and now my second-youngest is 18... and I can still remember too when I was a kid being scared to go down to my grandparent's basement as their furnace rumbled and shook  and made loud scary noises like some fire demon. I also heard there's this Jewish blessing they pray every time they see a rainbow in the sky, as a reminder of the covenant God has with Noah and I like that, and my mother watches this British series too and I remarked British people are  so ugly!  and she said That's part of your heritage! (I'm a mixed-breed European "mutt") so that would explain alot....

Hot Girl summer is over. the old world is dying, and the new world struggles to be born: now is the time of monsters.- MJ Kejera


Monday, August 30, 2021

Daily Pondering.


Monday Moments.

What a wee little part of a person's life are his acts and his words! His real life is led in his head, and is known to none but himself.-Mark Twain 

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Thought For Today.


14 Weeks.

Tomorrow my sunflower babies will be 14 weeks old so that's 3 1/2 months. They are now easily over 7 feet tall but despite being so big and tall they still only have such small flowers! Go figure! At least now more of them finally have buds on them, around 12-13 more I noticed and later yesterday another one opened, shown below.Yesterday I also got to spend all day outside again incl. 4 hours in the sun, but today it's back  to the oppressive humidty again where it feels like 39 C/ 40 C and possibly severe thunderstorm due to it and I hope at least it'll cool it down, and even early this morning when I took Buddy out for his walk it was already hot, sticky, humid, foggy,and hazy. I can't believe it's September this upcoming week,either,and that Labour Day  is next weekend and then school goes back already,too! I also posted this photo in my stoners group saying The closest I've ever been to being "cool"; weed, tattoos, shaved head...and someone called me gorgeous too and either he was just being "nice" or maybe even sarcastic but it made me feel good regardless and no one's ever called  me that before, and suddenly it just really bugs me how ugly  the outside of our house is,too, how it's 3 different colours; the gables are this ugly pale tan, the roof shingles are green,and the bricks are red....nothing matches,and if only I had the $$$$ I would get it all fixed up to match and I would get the roof re-done a nice brown Spanish-style metal and have the gables painted over in a reddish-brown.I would also get all the peeling paint on the outside windows done,too, too high up for us to reach and as it is now we can't afford to hire a professional painter to come do it. Right now all our $$$$ goes into paying for food and bills, and it hardly even covers that and now I have less $$$$ (half what I had before the 18 YR old turned 18) I couldn't pay one of them as I ran out of $$$ and my mother actually got mad at me and blamed me but what does she expect me to do when I only have so much $$$ and I did pay all the others...My hubby is going to have to step up and start contributing more  and he is the one with the job  afterall and has the most $$$$$ and he should be providing for his family more.

I also had this really scary nightmare that seemed so real it woke me up: demons told me I was condemned and my Punishment is fire and I was tossed into flames and as it got closer I kept  loudly praying aloud every single prayer I know,and not only Christian but also Jewish, Muslim,and even the Hare Krishna mantra too, as I figure I'd have them all covered, and the demon yelled at me to Shut-up!!!! but I kept calling out to God to save me and forgive my sins and as I got closer to the flames it just felt hot like when I'm out in the sun tanning.....but then it got hotter and hotter, and at one point everything just went to a bright comforting light and I was floating and that's when I woke up. That was scary and I hope NOT true though, I want and strive for Heaven and I do have a strong faith(and always have) and have always searched for Truth despite my shortcomings and I'm always asking God to help me do better and to be better, so I hope that's good enough and that the good "outweighs" the bad, but I'm also reassured to know that He also knows my heart and my intentions so even when things backfire, go wrong, and people mi-interpret things and take it the wrong way and they end up offended, mad, hurt, etc. that I didn't mean it that way; it's just my autism and my bad luck.

I also heard that Trudeau's brother was arrested  for sexual abuse of a minor, posession of child porn and meth( and you won't hear about this anywhere in Canadian media, and probably not in American,either; you have to go to foreign news media to find it, like I did; censorship is yet another sign of tyranny) so what a "wonderful" upstanding family those Trudeaus are,and 'ol Pierre Elliot would have been so "proud" and Justin had to cancel an appearance the other day too due to protesters , increasingly against his vaccine mandates, and they were even arrested,too, so now we're not even allowed to protest or disagree with our gov't anymore either, another sign of oppression but hopefully election day will show the same results and he'll be voted OUT!!!! Remember before too how they said masks were just "temporary" and they said the entire lockdown thing was only for 2 weeks and we said mandatory vaccines will be next and everyone laughed and called us Crazy Conspiracy Theorists? Well, who's laughing now? That's exactly what's happening now....not to mention the vaccine passports, the Mark Of The Beast where you are denied basic services if you don't have the Mark. My oldest knows someone who works for Pfizer  as well and he says the vaccine is "safe" but since when would anyone that works for Big Pharma tell you the truth? That's like thinking that the gov't wants what's best for you!

I also saw on an online forum soneone asked if parents forcing their kid to have an "ugly haircut" like cut straight across the earline. is "abuse"...and that sounds just like something stupid my kids would say and call "abuse" and I had my girls' hair cut like that when they were little; into a short sleek blunt Bob, but it wasn't "abuse"; I thought it was really cute ,plus it was practical; I was the one at that age who had to wash and take care of their hair and it's simply easiler if it's short as with long hair(like I had as a kid) there's lots of tangles and I remember as a kid sitting there in the chair as my mother had to work out the knots and tangles with a comb and what torture it was! My kids think everything's 'abuse" though; they even think that me making them go to church every week was abuse! If only they had any idea of what abuse really is! Their punishments was always losing a priviledge such as computer or video games, TV, etc. for 24 HRS or they had to write out "lines" or give that week's allowance to charity, but they were never abused. I also hope though that despite how much they hate me that once I'm gone they'll still remember the good things,too, like funny things I said or did that made them laugh, like my goofy accents, or the funny names I give to the Google Home Device, such as Kiss mi rass, Sofa King Retarded, Richard Cranium, Venus Penis, Mike Hunt, Mike Hawk,Alice Phallus,  etc.

When you start to die....don't. - Frank Buckles


Saturday, August 28, 2021

Something To Think About.

Re-posted from McMama on Facebook: 

On day one I said I wouldn’t put a mask on because it wasn’t actually about the mask.
It never was. This is about compliance, control, money and power. I’ve never been so confident about something in my life.
Listen, I care about safety. I don’t have a problem following rules or with authority as a concept. I want my children to be safe, and I care about yours as well.
But if you haven’t yet, it’s time to wake up and smell what’s going on.
Our children are being conditioned, brainwashed and pumped full of propaganda. Adults are being successfully shamed into not thinking for ourselves.
It’s happening to such an alarming degree, but I think what’s even more alarming is how many people don’t seem to recognize it!
Case in point:
I’m in South Dakota with my son for a big soccer tournament. They played about seven minutes of their first game this morning, and then a bullhorn sounded. The weather was great. Everyone looked confused. A ref told the boys to get off the field.
They did. For the next 20 minutes, the boys played around off the field, kicking the soccer balls around. I contemplated putting on some sunblock. The parents all sat and talked and laughed. We had our umbrellas up to protect us from the hot sun. The ref came over and told us the bullhorn must’ve meant radar spotted lightning so it was a mandatory 30 minute delay.
Now, the irony did not escape me that the boys were still playing soccer OFF the field and were no safer than they had been playing ON the field, but whatever.
The real kicker came a few minutes later when, skies still blue and clear, the same ref came over to us and said, “Well, I checked the rule book, and it said if there is a bullhorn 30 minute delay, I’m supposed to instruct everyone to go into their vehicles to be safe. So, please everyone get into your cars.”
And instantly. INSTANTLY. Every. 👏🏽 Single. 👏🏽 Parent. 👏🏽 And player. 👏🏽 Got. 👏🏽 Into. 👏🏽 Their. 👏🏽 Vehicles. 👏🏽
Except me and my son (and his friend who is with us).
Would it have been just as easy to go get in the Jeep? Sure! It’s not that hard to wear a mask, either. Compliance isn’t difficult.
But that is not the point. If I don’t teach my children to think for themselves, nobody is going to.
So if for no other reason then to prove a point to my son, we stayed out during the entire delay. They kicked around the soccer ball, and I enjoyed the sunshine. Every other parent and player from both teams stayed dutifully in their cars.
And you know, maybe I’m overreacting. Maybe I should just shut up and comply. Maybe I’m being selfish. Maybe I’m not thinking about the greater good. Maybe I’m a conspiracy theorist. Maybe I’m a bitch. Maybe my kind is a danger to society.
Or maybe. Maybe I’m right. And maybe in your gut, you know that you are, too. Maybe the real danger is what will happen to our children if more of us don’t take a stand for common sense and quit believing and complying with everyone who says they are an “expert” without rationally thinking for ourselves.
Is individual autonomy a hill I’m willing to die on?
You better believe it.


Truth For The Day.


"B" Is For Best Friend.

Yesterday was so nice, finally no humidity so Buddy and I got to be back outside all day (YES!!!!!!) and so I took a couple of photos and I'm sorry the quality is so bad and so foggy but my computer is a piece-of-shit(and no better than my old one, just in a different way) as it only allows me to load one  photo at a time and then I have to keep unplugging and then re-plugging in my iPod again to load each photo( a royal pain-in-the-ass) whereas before I just plugged it in the once and I could load as many as I needed at the one time, and it only load part-way and by the time it would normally come into clear focus it disappears and says it's not available and then you have to go and do the entire process all over again, unplug the device and plug it back in and start the process again and the photo only loads so far, to a foggy fuzzy image and you have to Lightshot it right then at just the exact right moment before it disappears off the screen and if you wait too long,or wait for it to come into complete focus, it's gone. In the second photo it was funny,too, he was barking at me to hurry up telling me he had to shit and to take him for a walk, which I did,and he did. I've also been putting antibiotic cream on the sores on his feet and they've almost healed up now but I noticed it looks like a burn on top of one of his feet now,too, but I don't know how he'd get that unless the 14 YR old burned him with a lighter or something but I wouldn't put it "past" him as he is "disturbed."Yesterday I hardly had much laundry in the load,either, much less than usual so I suspect that there must be a bunch of towels somewhere, either so they're likely laying on the hallway floor upstairs or on someone's bedroom floor. I also had a hairy yellow caterpillar crawling on my leg yesterday,too!

I have this cut on my right middle finger as well that was either from a sliver, paper cut or prickle and now it looks all red and infected(not my middle finger! That's my favourite one!) so I put the antibiotic cream on it that I use on Buddy's face and paws, and for my soft skin I put coconut oil on when I come out of the bath and Johnson's Cotton Touch newborn lotion as even though I'm ugly I can still have nice, soft,good-smelling skin(and a nice tan in the summer,too so I'm not ghastly pale like an undead corpse like I am in the winter) do the best with what you've got, right? I also went into the kitchen last night to get a snack and the 26 YR old was cooking an octopus  in a pot on the stove and it looked and smelled sooo gross and how come I can remember that Michael Nader(who just died at age 76) played Dexter on Dynasty  back in the 80's but I can't remember what I had for lunch or why I just came into the room, and Paul Stanley of KISS has COVID despite being double-vaxxed,too, and on the news those that have had  the vaccine( the Mark Of The Beast) are sicker and get COVID more  than those of us that haven't been vaxxed, so something is obviously very wrong here, and the Premier after saying no to vaccine passports has now been forced to by the PM,plunging us even more into a totalitarian Police State and I feel badly for the Afghan refugees,too, fleeing one oppressive regime only to come to another, they come here thinking  they're "free"but are forced to wear masks and get vaccines, merely trading one tyranny for another.

This is not the end of the world , it's the end of the illusion-Daniel Scoland


Friday, August 27, 2021

Today's Musing.



Today is the first day in 2 weeks I'll finally be able to go sit outside(and be in the sun!)as it's just going up to 27 C and no humidity for once! There's even a nice brezze,too! It's just been too hot and I really missed being outside and feel so trapped indoors but with the humidity it's felt like between 40C and 42C and I can't even breathe  out there the air is so "thick!"  I also got some sunflowers; I went to the store and there they were, despite always asking my hubby to look when he goes weekly and he always says they never have any( which I knew wasn't true as they've always had them before and it's sunflower season now) and then he also says he doesn't know where the flowers are, etc....yet when I went there they were, lots of them, and the flowers were right there, right at the entrance, as soon as you walk right into the store, you can't miss them, so my guess is he doesn't even bother looking or else he sees them and just walks right past them. Maybe that's also why he kept trying to dis-suede me from going to that store,too,and was trying to convince me to go to another one instead; he didn't want me to know  they were really actually there  all along and see them and find them? Looking at sunflowers makes me happy,too, as they're just so cheerful-looking, and it's one of my small pleasures in life, and the other day I asked him to pick me up a mango as well when he was out and he brings home this utterly rotten one,too, with black squishy bruises and several bug-eaten holes in it and then he excuses it was the only one there.....yeah....I wonder why? How about because it was rotten and gross and no one else wanted to buy it? He's also off all next week,too, so I hope he makes himself "scarce" and doesn't get in my way.

I also got a 3 day ban on Facebook again this time for saying white supremacists are white trash, which they are; it's just the truth, and they said it was "hate speech" and violated their standards, so they care more about hurting racists' feelings than about free speech? WTF? Seriously? The 26 YR old also got banned on an online chess site for telling an opponent to Suck my dick and balls! and a Liberal MP got in trouble as well for addressing the Taliban as Our Brothers and I think that's an insult to the Taliban( ha,ha) and for the upcoming election I'll actually be happy as long as anyone other  than the Liberals wins and we have to get rid of that prick Trudeau, and yesterday a gob of chocolate icing fell on my chair and I didn't know and I sat on it and it got on the back of my shorts and it looked like I shit my pants and all my pants are loose as well so I don't know if I've lost weight( when you're this fat you can't tell by just looking) or if the elastic in the waistbands just finally gave up the fight...

Yesterday I was also listening to Stairway To Heaven  one of my all-time fave. songs( and my family knows this) on the Google Home Device and my hubby and the 14 YR old just interrupt it to ask it the weather and I told them to at least wait until the song is finished first( and it was almost over) but they were rude and inconsiderate and didn't, and I kept turning it back on, "defending" my song, making them madder and they kept interrupting itm making me  madder, and back-and-forth it went but I held my ground and didn't let them get "away" with being  so disrespectful and rude, and I could die and my family wouldn't even care and neither would I. I also got a notice in the mail I'm due for another mammogram again,too, but I just had one 2 years ago and it felt like my titties were being squished in a tight vice and it hurt and felt like they were going to explode so I think I'll pass, and yesterday Buddy's jaw had popped out, and I had to fix it and push it back in, and jellyfish make me think of Rastas as well wearing their dreadlocks and Tams, and I tried to order my 2022 calendars online yesterday too but they didn't have the Bob Marley one in(or at least not yet) so I'll have to keep chacking back and I just hope that they haven't discontinued making it....maybe it was just an indication to me that I'll die before  next year though and I'm not to waste my $$$$ on calendars I won't need?

One life for yourself and one for your dreams.


Thursday, August 26, 2021

Daily Chuckle.


Thoughts For Thursday.

They weren't given the memo on the New World Order .

Read it again. carefully.

Gold is refined thru fire. The phoenix rises from the flames.

As far away as I can possibly get.

Wear a helmet and ride the special bus!

I remember the one that "broke the door."

The best times of my life!!!!!



Thought For The Day.